
General Info

We have no tryouts! You can just join!

We have a junior varsity and varsity team.

There are no tryouts, freshman are automatically placed on Junior varsity. And they do have a chance of moving up. We will teach you to swim and the game of waterpolo.

We practice in the mornings. So the athlete has to get to Oxnard high school at 6:45. There is a chance that this may get moved earlier.

The bus will take them back as a team to come to campus, where they will be able to have breakfast, and study or do what they need to.

  1. You have first period dismissal.

  2. 1-2 games/or swim meets a week after school. Jv is usually 415-5pm. The bus takes them there and back.

If this sounds good to you, then email me your id#