Josue H.


I feel my best when I listen to music because it is calming.

I want to improve at school and plan to do so by paying attention and doing the work.

A dream I have for the future is to study a lot and work hard to start my own business.


This process of creating a game made us feel good.. l. really enjoyed drawing and inserting our character.. We did struggle on some parts though, we struggles on the background.  An easy part was being able to add the explosive effect. Also having something around the game to to be able to not go higher or lower than needed. Me and my partner felt good about our game but if there ever is another assignment like this ever again we will definitely do better .



I feel like the more the games progressed the more advanced i got. For example, doing the maze game was the hardest. Coding it to make the planet small and big made it hard. But I was able top grow my ability. The most challenging and rewarding was the maze game. Making the loading screen and being able To do it right ands finishing it felt good. I’m proud of all my games because in the beginning I felt like it wouldn’t be able to do it. But in the end I was able to learn and progress and sorta understand it more.


Our final design was a success. It meant 3/3 success criteria. Our egg drop design was a success because we were able to fit the size criteria. By doing so, we had to iterate our design numerous times in order to fit in the 12x12x12cm, and slowly we made our design smaller than before. In addition, our egg fit perfectly into the plastic straws with the rubber bands and with all of the other stuff that were able to fit within the expanded space required. Our part placement was good too, until we had to drill a hole in the beginning of our build and I had to saw down the back of the seat to make it easier to add balloons, straws, etc.