Eyes on Crime
What is "Eyes on Crime"?
In an effort to reduce crime in Oxnard, the Oxnard Police Department created the "Eyes on Crime" program. "Eyes on Crime" has three basic parts:
1) Security Camera Registry
2) Ring Doorbell Partnership
3) Axon Citizen
Security Camera Registry
The "Eyes on Crime" Camera Registration encourages the public to provide video footage to help officers identify and prosecute suspects of crime. By registering your surveillance system with the “Eyes on Crime” program, you give officers an idea of where they can find potential video evidence in a timely manner. This assists our patrol officers and investigators in locating video evidence immediately in case there is a need to piece together what occurred during an event or identify suspects. It has been proven to be a useful tool in solving crimes. Below is the link for Oxnard residents and businesses to register the location of their security cameras.
We assure community members that information provided will be for Official Use Only. The Oxnard Police Department will not provide information to any non-law enforcement agency and only then for Official Use Only. Also, the Oxnard Police Department will not use information to create a distribution list unless the information is directly related to registration.
The Oxnard Police Department will not use access to surveillance systems to monitor community members arbitrarily.
Neighbors by Ring
Oxnard Police Department has joined Neighbors by Ring! We’re excited to announce that the Oxnard Police Department has joined Neighbors by Ring! The ‘Neighbors’ app is a digital neighborhood watch right on your phone where you can get real-time crime and safety alerts from your neighbors and law enforcement. OPD will be using ‘Neighbors’ to monitor crime in your area and send you updates on key crime incidents so you can all stay informed. By working together, we can all make Oxnard a safer community. Download the free ‘Neighbors’ app today to see what’s happening in your neighborhood: https://download.ring.com/oxnard or Text “oxnardpd” to 555-888 to receive a download link directly to your phone 📱
Ring Doorbell Partnership
The Ring portal allows the Police Department to request videos in an area where a crime may have occurred. Our detectives select an area on a map, and residences or businesses with Ring cameras receive an email that asks for their assistance.
To reiterate: We assure community members that information provided will be for Official Use Only. The Oxnard Police Department will not provide information to any non-law enforcement agency and only then for Official Use Only. Also, the Oxnard Police Department will not use information to create a distribution list unless the information is directly related to registration. The Oxnard Police Department will not use access to surveillance systems to monitor community members arbitrarily.
Axon Citizen
Axon Citizen is a new way to upload evidence to the Oxnard Police Department by allowing officers to send a link where community members can safely upload media.
Axon has been a partner of the Oxnard Police Department since the summer of 2016 and has been the application used in conjunction with the body-worn cameras. Any footage officers record using body-worn cameras is uploaded directly to cloud storage where it is kept for use in court. During calls for service, officers receive media from a community member and then upload it themselves to cloud storage. Axon Citizen allows community members’ video and photos to be uploaded via a link directly to cloud storage.

Check out our launch video starring members of the Oxnard Police Department! See how easy it is to be a "Partner in Public Safety"!
For further information regarding the Security Camera Registry, Ring Doorbell Partnership or Axon Citizen, contact:
Detective Greg Utter at (805) 385-7687 or greg.utter@oxnardpd.org.