Spooky Stories

(These videos are pretty scary, not intended for the faint of heart.)

Two-Sentence Horror Stories. 

"I was having a pleasant dream when what sounded like hammering woke me up. After that, I could barely hear the muffled sound of dirt covering the coffin over my own screams."

" "Please take me instead!" I scream, grabbing the two men who took my child. "Sorry ma'am only children", they said, as they continued loading up the last lifeboat on the ship. "

"My closet door slid open with a creak, making me jump. I pretended his distraction had worked and that I didn't see him crouched in the corner of my room."

"A pandemic has wiped out over 99 percent of humanity, but don't worry. It only spreads to those who know about it."

"I told my therapist I watched a girl drown when I was fifteen, I could've saved her, but I was too scared. "I know," she said, as she got up to lock the door, "that was my daughter." "

        Fire Night Story

Lilly was home alone, it was just her and her dog Spot. At night, Spot always goes under the bed, so when Lilly was scared, Spot would lick her hand. She climbed to bed, hoping for a good's night sleep. She started to fall into dreams' hands, then she heard "Drip, drip, drip." She got up and looked in the bathroom. She checked the faucet, to see if it was dripping. It wasn't. She went back to bed, confused. Just before Lilly climbed into bed she placed her hand under the bed so Spot could lick it. He licked. She felt less scared. 

Then she heard it again. "Drip, drip, drip." She checked every faucet in the house. None were dripping. Even more confused, she placed her hand under the bed again. Spot licked it, reassuring her. She climbed back in bed. "Drip, drip, drip." She listened more closely and realized it was coming from the closet in her bedroom. Frowning, Lilly walked towards it. What could it be? She opened the door and saw.... her dog, hanging dead from the coat hanger. The blood dripping down was the sound she heard. Then on the bottom of the closet was a note written in blood.

"Humans can lick too."