
Must Do Homework -  non-digital

Reading: We expect you to read 4 nights a week (at least) and fill in your reading log.

Maths: Basic Facts Focus

You need to do 4 columns/ 1 page of basic facts practice a week. Check your answers and highlight what you may have got wrong. Go back and practice those more thoroughly before you move on. Remember to put a date at the top.

Can Do Homework -  Digital

A great way to manage your digital time is to first do your online learning tasks and then finish with some free learning time. Talk with your parents and caregivers about how much time you are allowed and what free time online means in your home.

If you have 1 hour, your online homework could look like this: 4 online learning activities for about 10 - 15 minutes each then some free learning time.

Choose two Literacy activities from this list:

Check your Must Do list and finish off some learning.

10 minutes

10 minutes

10 minutes

Choose two Maths activities from this list:

10 minutes

10 -15 minutes

10 minutes

10 - 15 minutes