What is DEIB?

what is diversity, equity, Inclusion, & Belonging?

There are many ways to define diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. Here are the definitions that we are using, as defined through the Kentucky Department of Education

Diversity: Individual traits and differences which directly impact the engagement, inclusivity and experiences of students such as: race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, language, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, country of origin, differing abilities, personality and learning styles, as well as cultural, political, religious or other affiliations. 

Equity: The promotion of access, opportunity and advancement of all individuals, including those in underserved communities, in order to identify and eliminate conditions that prevent the ability of all students to reach their full potential. ​

Inclusion: The intentional act of creating an environment that fosters mutually respectful relationships in which each student, regardless of intellectual, social, cultural and geographic background, is welcomed, supported and valued as fully participating members of society.

Belonging: The degree to which learners believe, experience, and feel that they are accepted by adults and peers, as well as respected as a valued contributor in their learning and social environment.