Understanding is our agenda.

CORONA.film - A documentary investigation into SARS-CoV-2 and its impact.

In 2017, we produced a cinema documentary "trustWHO" to investigate the conflicts of interest of the World Health Organisation with regards to the Swine Flu pandemic, the tobacco industry and the Fukushima disaster. Now, we are in the best position to produce a 90-min documentary about the current Coronavirus Crisis.

The triangular relationship between politics, science and media seems to be knocked off balance. We want to explore how this imbalance impacts us all.

We want to move away from the panic-stricken narrative based on speculations represented by the media. We want to critically question the status quo with an objective approach that is not based on emotive headlines. We want to get closer to the truth, independent of broadcasters who may want to influence the outcome.

Share your quarantine diaries with us here: www.cognitoforms.com/QuarantineDiaries

Crowdfunding campaign: www.corona.film

We hope to make this film 100% crowdfunded and raise 400.000 Euros to finalize this film.

It is clear to us that we have to remain independent in order to make this film. We should not rely on funding by TV-corporations, who might have an interest in changing our neutral, investigative narrative in favour of more panic-driven content.

As we still have a long way to go in order to cover all production costs, the campaign still running through InDemand - you can still donate to us by selecting the perks: www.corona.film

You can also support us via bank account and the crypto currencies - Bitcoin & Monero if you like!

  1. Bank transfer:
    OVALmedia Berlin GmbH
    IBAN: DE66 4166 0124 0017 1707 00

  2. Bitcoin (primary address)

  3. Monero (primary address)

Live stream - NARRATIVE

Mittwoch, 27.05.2020 von 20:15 bis 21:15 CET

NARRATIVE #3 präsentiert seinen dritten Livestream. Es spricht der Virologe, Epidemiologe und Mikrobiologe Prof. Dr. Martin Haditsch. Gemeinsam mit unserem Gast, der mit verantwortlich ist für SARS Cov2 Ergebnisse in Deutschland, werden wir die RKI PCR-Test Zahlen analysieren. Und es werden die Narrative erörtert, in denen wir zur Zeit wegen Corona gefangen sind.

Schauen Sie live zu: https://youtu.be/S7xDQw0EmsU

Schaut euch doch gerne mal ein Interview mit Prof. Dr. Haditsch an: https://youtu.be/43esjJitpoo

The live stream will be held in German.

Playlist for Corona.film interviews

We continue meeting multiple personalities with different points of view and do extensive fact-based research.

During our path to the truth, we think it’s important to open the discussion and analyse all sides. We intend to gather a maximum of information and then help to understand what is happening, and why it is happening.

More videos to come!

COMING SOON: Budget Plan - Continually updating

You might wonder where the money goes. As this is a crowdfunded project, we want to be transparent about how we spend the money on this film and make sure you know exactly how we spend it. For that reason, we will publish our budget for the film on our website to make it accessible to everyone.

Corona.film Budget plan

trustWHO - Documentary - 85 Min - 2017

trustWHO Official Trailer English

When it comes to our health, there are very few institutions that are both competent and independent. We want to rely on doctors, of course, and health officials, as well. They, in turn, take their cues from the World Health Organization. But what if the trust that billions of people around the world put on this institution is misplaced?
The documentary investigates how efficiency and transparency of the WHO are undermined by both corporate influences and a lack of public funding.

Vimeo censorship

trustWHO is now available on:

English: Amazon iTunes Google PlayDeutsch: Amazon Journeyman Français: Amazon
Learn more about the film: http://oval.media/en/projects/trustwho/

Freak's Science Corner

Even for scientists it is hard to keep up with about 100 papers publish each day (!) referring to COVID19. Everybody, especially journalists have to deal with a never seen information overload. The art is to focus on relevant information...
If you dare, try to read scientific literature! We do our best to select interesting science here. We would be thrilled, if you helped to complete our list...

Anti-SARS-CoV-2 screening.xlsx