PAN consultation

Consultation on a proposed reduction in the published admission number for Outwood Academy Shafton, Barnsley, with effect from September 2021.

Length of consultation: 6 weeks, ending on Friday 15 November 2019.


Admission authorities must have determined their admissions arrangements for entry in September 2021 by 28 February 2020. They must publish them on their website and have sent a copy to their local authority before 15 March 2020.

As an academy, we are our own admissions authority and as such must ensure that:

  1. consultation lasts for a minimum of 6 weeks and must take place between 1 October 2019 and 31 January 2020.
  2. we consult with:
    • parents of children between the ages of two and eighteen;
    • other persons in the relevant area who may have an interest in the proposed admissions;
    • all other admission authorities within the relevant area;
    • the local authority
  3. for the duration of the consultation period, a copy of our full proposed admission arrangements (including the proposed PAN) is published on our website together with details of the person within the admission authority to whom comments may be sent and the areas on which comments are not sought.
  4. send upon request a copy of the proposed admission arrangements to any of the persons or bodies listed above inviting comment.


To decrease the published admission number from 300 students to 270 students.

Although the Regulations and Code of Practice relating to school admissions no longer require an admissions authority to consult when maintaining or increasing a school’s PAN, there remains a requirement to consult when the proposal is to reduce a PAN. Outwood Academy Shafton, as the admissions authority, is seeking comments on the proposed change.


The current Published Admission Number (PAN) for Outwood Academy Shafton is 300. This means that the number of children admitted into the school at Year 7 each year is limited to 300. Due to the necessary changes to the building, to make it fit for purpose, the current PAN exceeds the physical capacity of the academy to accommodate this number of pupils. Reducing the PAN will ensure that the current building is suitable and fit for purpose.

The building was originally designed around a very open-plan model. This included a number of ‘big space learning’ on each of the floors. As this was not conducive to effective learning and teaching, classrooms had to be built with a significant expenditure (£300k) to make the building fit for purpose. In doing so, large circulation spaces were made into classrooms which has meant that there are simply not enough classrooms in the academy to accommodate the PAN at 1500. Additionally, dining spaces had been placed next to toilets and significant building works have been carried out to try and make dining a comfortable experience for students.

Specific Proposal

Outwood Academy Shafton proposes to reduce the published admission number of the academy from 300 to 270 with effect from September 2021.

This means that the number of places available for children in Year 7 in 2021 — and all subsequent Year 7 cohorts — will be 270. For children who already have a place at the school in other year groups there will be no change; the admission number for all other years remains at 300.

The capacity of the school building is the sole factor in deciding to consult on this proposal.

How to Respond

This consultation will run from 4 October 2019 to 15 November 2019 and you are invited to submit comments about the proposal above using either the accompanying online form (below), or in writing to:

Ms Sarah Philips, PA to the Principal, Outwood Academy Shafton, Engine Lane, Shafton, Barnsley, S72 8RE.

Please send any comments by 15 November 2019.

Following the consultation period the Academy Council will consider any comments received and how to proceed. Admission arrangements for 2021 will be determined by 28 February 2020 and any subsequent objections would need to be made to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator.