9th Grade Wheel

This class continues the legacy of the Mandela Academy for Law and Public Service, a career pathway within Fremont High School which existed from 2003-2019. This class is the foundation for Restorative Justice across the school. We start by learning how to listen to each other and slowly shift the cultural paradigm of punishment and hierarchy. As a student in this class, you will gain crucial life skills and plant seeds of safety, care, and trust across our campus. 

Teacher Introduction

Who am I?

This is my seventh year as the Restorative Justice Facilitator at Fremont. I have been working in Oakland for over a decade as a youth organizer, educator, peace-builder and social justice advocate. I care about keeping kids out of the criminal-legal system, and have spent a lot of time holding circles with people in juvenile detention, prisons, re-entry groups, and community settings. I'm also a theater artist and storyteller, and love to think about healing and reconciliation through the arts. Click through these slides to learn more. You can also visit www.tatianachaterji.com.

What is this Class about?

In this class, you will learn about the philosophy and practice of Restorative Justice, peace-building, and civic action. We meet for 12 weeks before you rotate to the Architecture and Media introductory wheel classes. 

YOUR VOICE MATTERS: finding your voice and what you care about; how to advocate for yourself and others; self-expression and creativity 

EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION: using positive and peaceful words, building and maintaining relationships 

Learning Objectives

Expectations + Group Norms

Each class will develop their own agreements based on their shared values. Additionally, we follow the "Fremont Way": 

how will i be graded?

You will be assessed by the following categories:  

Make sure you have access to JupiterGrades to check  your progress.

How Can i get in touch with you?

I am on campus and available in the Peace Room, 3202, when I'm not conducting a circle or other business. You can ask for a pass to speak with me and/or schedule a time via email: tatiana.chaterji@ousd.org

Student Reflections + Testimonials

Head (what did you learn?) :: Heart (what did you feel?) :: Feet (what action will you take?)

I learned that a circle is not just for people you know. It's also about meeting new people and that's how you build a stronger relationship with others. 

I'm taking away the ability to communicate with others, being able to talk to them and avoid a physical altercation. 

                                                                                                                         This class showed me and gave me an idea about  circles.  I think that was a very vulnerable way to get everyone to know each other little by little.

What I'm taking from this class is how to be a leader and how circles can really help fix and solve problems. 

I learned how to socialize in a good way and be more respectful.