...but WHO is Ms. Cunningham?

HELLO! and welcome to our Quarantine Classroom!

I am Ms. Cunningham, your English Teacher! (she/her)

A little bit about me...

I was born in San Diego

(que every Ron Burgundy quote ever)

...however, I also grew up in a small mountain town in Colorado, the town is Edwards

(que all South Park references)

I have lived in Oakland for 9 years now, which I fully consider home


My birthday is November 13th, which means my zodiac sign is a SCORPIO! (also, I was born on a Monday... it definitely would've been cooler if I was born on a Friday)

This is my older brother. His name is Ryan. I like to consider myself the BETTER sibling.

(he still lives in San Diego)

I have a very unhealthy obsession with cats (like, I literally have to become best friends with EVERY cat I meet)

...I also have two cats, Jasper and Frank.

I often refer to Jasper as a racoon, because he is a BIG BOI and super fuzzy, and I refer to Frank as baby fox, because he is a small kitten with a fox-like tail (and yes, little Frank is missing an eye because he is a bad a**)

I absolutely LOVE donuts (a bunch of students for my birthday last year brought me donuts... wink wink, nudge nudge) my favorite donuts are the cake donuts with frosting and sprinkles.

AND I absolutely LOVE coffee. It's very likely you'll see me with a cup of coffee at all times throughout the day.

My favorite shows to binge watch are:

Grey's Anatomy

Gilmore Girls

The Sopranos

My top three favorite movies are:


True Romance

The Departed

(I'm hella into mobster movies)

Another fun fact, my cat Frank is named after Frank Costello who was an Irish-American mob boss and Jack Nicholson portrayed him in "The Departed".


I LOVE SAN DIEGO BURRITOS. I will argue to the bone that San Diego burritos are far superior to Bay Area burritos.

Don't get me wrong, Oakland has some of the best Mexican food I've ever eaten! Tacos rule supreme in Oakland in my humble opinion... but SD is where I consume burritos.

What I love to do outside of being a teacher:

During quarantine I found myself feeling antsy and wanting to be more creative, so I learned to macrame, which is a knotting technique using different styles of ropes and textiles.

So I've made some cool wall hangings and plant hangers!

Here are some of my creations

I also love getting outside, whether it's hiking around the Bay Area or packing up and heading out to the mountains to go camping.

Growing up in the mountains in Colorado it was basically a lowkey requirement to be an "outdoorsy" person.

Growing up my family never travelled anywhere. We only went back and forth from Colorado to San Diego. So in my adult years I got my passport and started travelling on my own. I LOVE to travel on a budget and there are so many ways to get out into the world without spending a crazy amount of money on airfare and hotels.

My favorite places to travel are:

Seattle, WA

Berlin, Germany

Barcelona, Spain

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Obvi there is sooooooooooo much more to know about me, but for now, I think that's enough.

I am hella excited for this school year, and even though it's not ideal to be in quarantine and distance learning, I am going to do everything I can to make it a great school year for us!