Evaluate Argument in A Plastic Ocean: Food Plastic

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Lesson Synopsis

1. Opening

A. Engage the Learner - SL.7.2 (5 minutes)

2. Work Time

A. Analyze the Video - RI.7.7 (15 minutes)

B. Delineate and Evaluate a Speaker's Argument - SL.7.3 (20 minutes)

3. Closing and Assessment

A. Answer Questions - RI.7.7 (5 minutes)

4. Homework

A. Reflect on Film and Transcript: Students write a brief paragraph reflecting on what they have seen of the documentary A Plastic Ocean so far, including questions they have, to complete Homework: Reflect on Film and Transcript: Lesson 5. Then they read excerpts of the film transcript they will study in the following lesson and reflect on the text.

B. Correctly Place Modifiers: Students create sentences without dangling modifiers to complete Homework: Correctly Place Modifiers.

Daily Learning Targets

Lesson Prep

Lesson Plan


A. Engage the Learner - SL.7.2 (5 minutes)


To promote independence on the entrance ticket, challenge students to work independently to highlight key words and phrases in the transcript and grapple to answer the questions. Grappling will increase students' confidence and success on independent tasks such as assessments.

To promote independence on the entrance ticket, challenge students to work independently at first to highlight key words and phrases in the transcript and grapple to answer the questions. Then they can share their highlights and responses with a partner to check and expand their work. Grappling first and then working with a partner will increase student engagement, independence, and speaking and listening skills.

Work Time

A. Analyze the Video – RI.7.7 (15 minutes)

“I can compare the way a transcript of A Plastic Ocean portrays a subject to the way it is portrayed in the video.”


In Work Time A, after they analyze the video, invite students to participate in a Mini Language Dive in small groups to examine a sentence that offers a suggestion for decreasing plastic waste. This Mini Language Dive also gives students the opportunity to determine the grammatical function of a noun clause in the sentence (L.7.1a). 

During Work Time A and B, assess whether students need the support of the Analyze A Plastic Ocean (1:18:30–1:23:53) note-catcher ▲. This resource features sentence starters that support students with comprehension and writing. If students can forgo using this support, they will grow in independence and achievement for similar analysis tasks on assessments.

B. Delineate and Evaluate a Speaker's Argument - SL.7.3 (20 minutes)

"I can delineate a speaker's argument and claims in A Plastic Ocean."

"I can evaluate a speaker's evidence and reasoning in A Plastic Ocean."

"Since Craig didn't go everywhere, and only visited a small sample of restaurants, does his evidence sufficiently support Tanya's claim? Therefore, is the reasoning sound? How might Craig and Tanya's bias about plastic being bad affect how we evaluate their evidence? How does this weak evidence and reasoning affect the overall argument?" (The evidence is not sufficient as it just shows one person going to several places, and it is not a large enough sample to conclude that plastic is "everywhere." The reasoning isn't very sound because the speakers did not gather sufficient evidence. The speakers may be biased because they believe plastic is bad, and they also chose the restaurants to go to, which affects our evaluation of the claim. Therefore this argument is not very strong since the evidence is insufficient, affecting the reasoning and the overall argument.)


For Work Time B, ensure that students are strategically grouped to best support them. This may mean mixed groupings by language or content proficiency. However, since groups include about four students, ensure that there are two students from each level and no more than one level of difference among the students in a group. Strategic grouping affords students the opportunity of supporting and being challenged by others.

During Work Time A and B, assess whether students need the support of the Analyze A Plastic Ocean (1:18:30–1:23:53) note-catcher ▲. This resource features sentence starters that support students with comprehension and writing. If students can forgo using this support, they will grow in independence and achievement for similar analysis tasks on assessments.

As in the lighter support, for Work Time B, ensure that students are strategically grouped to best support them. Consider language, content proficiency, and grouping students by home language.


A. Answer Questions - RI.7.7 (5 minutes)