What is ServSafe?
Think about it: when you go to a restaurant or coffee shop, you want to know that the person handling your food and drink is doing it correctly to prevent the spread of germs. You also want to trust that the food is being stored at the proper temperatures so that you don’t become sick from something spoiled. One bad review or case of food poisoning can damage the reputation of a restaurant. So how can restaurants ensure that every person on staff who may handle food or beverages knows how to do so? The easiest way is through training, testing, and certification.
Follow these Instructions to
get Your Food Handlers Certification
How to take the Online Food Handlers Course
Go to www.servsafe.com
Go to login/create account (at the bottom)
Fill out the information requested, except
You do NOT need to fill out the following:
Company Name
Fax Number
Exam Session
Write Down your user name and ID
My user (ID) name is: ________________________
My Password is: ____________________________
The next step is for me to register you for the class.
I will need your username/ID.
Please Text me your name and User ID to 510-394-5119
I will text you back and let you know you are ready to move to step 5.
On the top of the page click on your name then click on Dashboard
A screen will pop up about your dashboard, click on the X to close it
Click on Student
Click on MY Online Courses
Click on Launch/ABRIR
On the bottom of the page click to accept
Select language
Begin Course
You may want to use headphones
Go through the course
Take the Assessment 45 questions, make sure you fill out the form for the assessment
Problems, questions, concerns. Contact Chef David, 510-394-5119 - david.isenberg@ousd.org