STEAM Projects

Kitchen Chemistry

I love playing in the kitchen with my kids! Here are the science projects from class.

Lemon Volcanoes

Lemon Volcanoes

Create fun volcanoes with kitchen products.

Classic Slime Recipe

Classic Slime

Kitchen Chemistry strikes again with classic slime!

Ice Cream in a Bag

Ice Cream in a Bag

Kitchen Chemistry continues with solutions, freezing and changing physical states.

I wonder why ... series

Hands-on science explorations about space, physics and the physical world.

Why do we have seasons 1

why do we have seasons?

Using an orange, a flashlight and some push pins, create a model of the earth and the sun.

Why do we have seasons 2

why do we have seasons part 2

Go deeper into how the tilt of the earth changes the light and the heat in different hemispheres.

Jumping Salt and Pepper Experiment

Jumping Salt and Pepper

How does static electricity work?

Simple Circuits

We used parts from Chibitronics to create simple circuits.

Tinker Tuesday Links- How does your heart pump blood?

Want to learn more about how your heart works? Watch the video here.

Then do one of the hands on projects.