

Our planet is fragile and deserving of our undivided attention.  Upon building Habitas, we went to great lengths to not interrupt the delicate ecosystem that you're standing on.  

We invite you to please only use the bathrooms amenities we have provided in refillable dispensers, to reduce amenity waste.  Your body wash and shampoo is made of local organic products. All are 100% organic products that can flow through our ground in the same way it's ingredients grew out of it.  

Please also be conscious of your energy consumption.  We certainly want you enjoy the comforts we have provided but, while away from your homes, we invite  you to  shut off your AC and lights.  We are keen on maintaining our footprint to a minimum.

We are committed to never using plastics, only use reusable bottles, we don't burn diesel as we are not connected to generators.  As you explore Namibia we ask also that you help us inspire the local community  by supporting others conscience driven efforts.