Education, Learning & Attainment

"How well is West Dunbartonshire Council improving learning, raising attainment and narrowing the poverty related attainment gap?"


Our Legacy of Attainment, Achievement and Increased Life Chances

West Dunbartonshire Council serves communities where children and families often experience challenge and difficulty as a result of poverty; however we have very high expectations of attainment and achievement to ensure all children and young people achieve their potential, sustain positive destinations and become active citizens in their part of Scotland.

Our policies are geared towards tackling the impacts of inequality, intervening early when required and raising attainment. There is a relentless focus on how education can make a difference to the outcomes for our children, young people and families. As an education authority we add value to the work of our schools by supporting and challenging our leaders and educators to deliver improved outcomes for our learners. We also demonstrate, through our approach to self evaluation, a rigorous improvement agenda with a rich data source leading to improved learning and raised attainment.

This site serves as a gateway to our performance, key facts and figures, and to find out more about our establishments.