Spanish - National 5

SCQF Framework

SCQF Level: 5

SCQF Credit Points: 24

Skills Framework

Delivering Centre

Vale of Leven Academy

Purpose and Aims

The main purpose of the course is to enable candidates to develop the skills of reading, listening, talking and writing in order to understand and use Spanish.

The course offers candidates opportunities to develop and extend a wide range of skills. In particular, the course aims to enable candidates to develop the ability to:

  •  read, listen, talk and write in a modern language

  •  apply knowledge and understanding of a modern language

The course contributes towards the development of literacy skills by providing candidates with opportunities to read, listen, talk and write in a modern language, and to reflect on how this relates to their use of English and other languages.

Who is this course for?

This course is suitable for a wide range of candidates and combines the receptive (listening and reading) and productive (talking and writing) skills of language.

Prior learning in the subject is not essential, although the course provides opportunities for candidates to build on prior learning experienced in a broad general education or in modern languages qualifications at a lower SCQF level. Additionally, the course provides a pathway for those candidates who wish to undertake further studies of a modern language.

Recommended Entry

Entry to this course is at the discretion of the centre.

Candidates should have achieved the National 4 Modern Languages course or equivalent qualifications and/or experience prior to starting this course,


Higher Spanish

Other SQA qualifications in modern languages or related areas

Further study, employment and/or training

Career Options

Further Information

Course Content

The course provides candidates with the opportunity to develop reading, listening, talking and writing skills in the modern language, and to develop their knowledge and understanding of detailed and complex language in the contexts of society, learning, employability, culture.

Skills, knowledge and understanding for the course.

The following provides a broad overview of the subject skills, knowledge and understanding developed in the course:

 reading, listening, talking and writing skills in a modern language in the contexts of society, learning, employability, culture

 applying knowledge and understanding of detailed and complex language to understand and use a modern language

 applying knowledge and understanding of language to translate detailed and complex language

 applying grammatical knowledge and understanding

Skills, knowledge and understanding for the course assessment

The following provides details of skills, knowledge and understanding sampled in the course assessment:

Reading, Writing, and Listening question papers

Candidates are assessed on all four contexts: society, learning, employability, culture.


Candidates are assessed on one of the four contexts: society, learning, employability, culture.


Candidates are assessed on at least two of the four contexts: society, learning, employability, culture.

Course Assessment Structure

Question paper 1: Reading and Writing 50 marks

The purpose of this question paper is to allow candidates to demonstrate breadth, challenge and application in the skills of reading and writing.

This question paper has a total mark allocation of 50 marks. The question paper is subdivided into two components:

Reading 30 marks and Writing 20 marks (Writing is scaled to 15 marks).

This question paper has two sections.

Section 1 Reading (30 marks)

Candidates read three texts of equal length in the modern language. Each text derives from a different context: society, learning, employability or culture, and is followed by questions in English. Candidates respond to the questions in English.

There are 10 marks available for the questions on each text. Candidates may use a bilingual dictionary.

Section 2 Writing (20 marks)

Candidates produce one written text of 120–150 words in the modern language in response to a job advert stimulus supported by six bullet points which the candidate must address.

Four of the bullet points are common and are predictable but there are two additional bullet points that are linked to the specific context.

Candidates may use a bilingual dictionary.

Candidates complete this question paper in 1 hour and 30 minutes.

This question paper has a total mark allocation of 20 marks, which is scaled to 30 marks.

Candidates first listen to one monologue in the modern language, and respond to questions worth 8 marks.

They then listen to one conversation in the modern language and respond to questions worth 12 marks.

The texts are linked thematically and are based on the context which is not sampled in the reading texts in question paper 1. Candidates may not use a dictionary.

Questions are in English and candidates respond in English.

Assignment–writing 20 marks

The purpose of this assignment is to allow candidates to produce a piece of writing in the modern language based on one of the following contexts: society, learning or culture.

The assignment–writing has a total mark allocation of 20 marks, which is scaled to 15 marks.

The assignment–writing has one section.

Candidates produce a piece of writing of 120–200 words in the modern language , using detailed language, based on one of the following contexts: society, learning or culture.

Candidates may refer to other contexts in their writing if they wish.

Performance–talking 30 marks

The purpose of this performance is to carry out a spoken presentation and conversation in the modern language from at least two of the following contexts: society, learning, employability or culture.

The performance has one section, with two subsections:

1 Presentation (10 marks)

2 Conversation (20 marks)


Candidates carry out a spoken presentation in the modern language, using detailed language on a topic chosen from at least one of the 4 contexts. Candidates choose the topic and develop this into a short presentation.

The presentation should last approximately 1–2 minutes.


Following the prepared presentation and any associated questions, candidates take part in a conversation using detailed language on a different context and respond to some questions in the modern language on that context.

Candidates may also ask questions where appropriate during the conversation.

15 marks are awarded for the conversation and 5 marks for the ability to sustain the conversation. Candidates identify the contexts and topics for the presentation and conversation beforehand.

The conversation should last approximately 5–6 minutes.