Psychology - Higher

SCQF Framework

SCQF Level: 6

SCQF Credit Points: 24

Skills Framework

Delivering Centre

Vale of Leven Academy

Purpose and Aims

The course enables candidates to develop an understanding of the psychological study of the human mind and behaviour in a range of contexts, and enhances their ability to use evidence to explain behaviour. 

The course develops candidates’ understanding of psychology as the scientific study of the mind and behaviour. Psychology is a research-based subject, and it provides the opportunity to conduct practical research, including working with human participants in accordance with ethical standards. 

Candidates develop: 

Recommended Entry

Entry to this course is at the discretion of the centre. 

Candidates should have achieved the National 5 Psychology course and National 5 English or equivalent qualifications and/or experience prior to starting this course. This must include National  5 English and  a National 5 Science or Social Subject. 

Higher Psychology will be delivered in August 2024. In the following school year  (Session 25/26) the course will be a National 5 only class progressing to a Higher class the following year. Please see Mrs Smith if you have any questions about this.


Candidates can progress  to  further study in Psychology, social studies, social sciences or related areas as well as employment or training 

Career Options

Further Information

Course Content

The Higher Psychology course has three areas of study:

Course Assessment Structure

Question paper 60 marks 

The question paper assesses candidates’ use of skills and their knowledge and understanding of psychological theories, concepts and topics. Candidates must use psychological explanations and research evidence to respond to questions. The question paper enables candidates to demonstrate the following skills, knowledge and understanding: 

The question paper has 3 sections: All sections have 20 marks allocated. The question paper accounts for 67% of the overall course assessment mark.

Assignment 40 marks 

The assignment assesses candidates’ use of research and communication skills appropriate to psychology. Candidates carry out their own primary research, based on a topic they have studied, and produce a psychological research report. The assignment enables candidates to demonstrate the following skills, knowledge and understanding:  

The Assignment is completed over a period of time and submitted at a time agreed with the class teacher to meet the Submission date set by the SQA. The Assignment accounts for 33% of the overall course assessment mark.