Practical Cake Craft National 5 (S5/6 only)

SCQF Framework

SCQF Level: 5

SCQF Credit Points: 24

Skills Framework

Delivering Centre

Vale of Leven Academy

Purpose and Aims

  • The Scottish hospitality industry is large, vibrant and growing. It employs a significant proportion of the nation’s workforce. Cake production is a part of this sector, and the course can be seen as a gateway to the hospitality industry. The course aims to enable candidates to:
  • Acquire knowledge and understanding of methods of cake production
  • develop knowledge and understanding of functional properties of ingredients used in cake production
  • develop technical skills in cake baking
  • develop technical and creative skills in cake finishing
  • follow safe and hygienic working practices
  • develop their knowledge and understanding of cake design and follow trends in cake production
  • acquire and use organisational skills in the context of managing time and resources

The course is practical and relevant to the world of work. It enables candidates to develop a range of artistic techniques and to consolidate them through practical activities. Drawing on all aspects of design, such as shape, colour, texture, balance and precision, candidates are given the opportunity to produce a variety of individualised cakes and other baked items, and to creatively interpret a design brief. The course makes an important contribution to general education through developing a range of essential skills which stand candidates in good stead for their future. Its contribution to vocational education is significant because it is a springboard for a range of careers in the hospitality industry

Recommended Entry

Entry to this course is at the discretion of the centre. Candidates should have achieved the fourth curriculum level or equivalent qualifications and/or experience prior to starting this course.

It is recommended by the school that candidates have achieved or predicted to achieve National 5 English.


other qualifications in hospitality or related areas

 further study, employment or training

Career Options

Further Information

Course Content

The course, which is practical and experiential in nature, develops a range of cake baking and finishing skills in hospitality-related contexts. It enables candidates to develop, consolidate and demonstrate creative techniques in the production of cakes and other baked items. It develops the thinking skills of understanding, analysing and evaluating, and creating. Aspects of numeracy, employability skills, and the ability to work safely and hygienically are similarly developed. The candidates develop knowledge of methods of cake production and functional properties of ingredients used in the production of a range of cakes and other baked items. The candidates acquire skills in baking a range of cakes and other baked items, demonstrating specialist skills, techniques and processes safely and hygienically. The candidates further develop the ability to finish a range of cakes and other baked items safely and hygienically. In the finishing processes candidates apply specialised skills and creative techniques.

Course Assessment Structure

Question paper 25 marks

The purpose of this question paper is to assess the candidates’ ability to integrate and apply breadth, knowledge, understanding and skills from across the course content. The question paper will ask candidates to state, give, name, identify, describe, explain and evaluate. This question paper will give candidates an opportunity to demonstrate the following knowledge, understanding and skills:

 methods of cake production

 functional properties of ingredients

 finishing application techniques

 finishing decoration techniques The question paper has a total mark allocation of 25 marks. This is 25% of the overall marks for the course assessment.

Assignment 30 marks

The assignment and practical activity is conducted in three stages:

 stage 1: designing (assignment, section 1)

 stage 2: implementing (practical activity)

 stage 3: evaluating (assignment, section 2)

Practical activity 70 marks

skills in cake baking and finishing

 using specialist tools and equipment

 demonstrating creativity

 effective organisational skills

 working safely and hygienically