Physical Education - National 3

SCQF Framework

SCQF Level: 3

SCQF Credit Points: 18

Skills Framework

Purpose and Aims

  • This Course is practical and experiential. Its main purpose is to allow learners the opportunity to participate in physical activities and develop their basic movement and performance skills in familiar contexts. In addition, the Course offers the opportunity to increase learners’ understanding of the important link between fitness and good health. Learners are encouraged to demonstrate initiative, decision-making and problemsolving by participating in, and reflecting on these activities.

The skills that learners acquire by successfully completing the Course will be transferable to learning, to life and to the world of work.

The aims of the Course are to enable learners to:

♦ participate in physical activities

♦ develop the ability to safely perform a range of basic movement and performance skills in familiar contexts

♦ develop an awareness of factors impacting on performance

♦ develop approaches to enhance personal performance

♦ monitor, record and reflect on performance during physical activities

Recommended Entry

Entry to this Course is at the discretion of the centre. However, learners would normally be expected to have attained the skills, knowledge and understanding required by the following or equivalent qualifications and/or experience:

♦ National 2 Physical Education Course or relevant component Units In terms of prior learning and experience, relevant experiences and outcomes may also provide an appropriate basis for doing this Course.


This Course or its Units may provide progression to:

♦ National 4 Physical Education Course

♦ other qualifications in Physical Education or related areas

♦ further study, employment and/or training

Career Options

Further Information

Course Content

The Course has two mandatory Units and an Added Value Unit:

Physical Education: Performance Skills (National 4) The general aim of this Unit is to provide learners with the opportunity to develop a range of movement and performance skills in physical activities, in straightforward contexts. Learners will develop some consistency in their control, fluency of movement and body and spatial awareness. They will also learn how to respond to and meet the physical demands of performance in a safe and effective way. The Unit offers opportunities for personalisation and choice in the selection of physical activities.

Physical Education: Factors Impacting on Performance (National 4) The general aim of this Unit is to provide learners with the opportunity to explore and develop their knowledge of factors that impact on personal performance in physical activities. Learners will record, monitor and reflect on their own performance. There will be opportunities for personalisation and choice through the selection of physical activities used in learning and teaching.

Added Value Unit: Physical Education: Performance (National 4) The general aim of this Unit is to enable learners to provide evidence of added value for the National 4 Physical Education Course. Learners will prepare for and carry out a performance, which will allow them to demonstrate challenge and application.

Course Assessment Structure

To achieve the National 3 Physical Education Course, learners must pass all of the required Units. The required Units are shown in the Course outline section. National 3 Courses are not graded.

Delivering Centre

Vale of Leven Academy