Music - National 3

SCQF Framework

SCQF Level: 3

SCQF Credit Points: 18

Skills Framework

Delivering Centre

Vale of Leven Academy

Purpose and Aims

The purpose of the Course is to provide a broad practical experience of performing and creating music and to develop related knowledge and understanding of music.

This Course is practical and experiential in nature and includes flexibility in the contexts for learning.

It helps learners to develop a general interest in music and to develop performing skills on two selected instruments, or on one instrument and voice.

The Course also provides opportunities for learners to develop basic composing skills and their understanding of music. The skills that learners gain throughout the Course will be valuable for learning, life and work.

The aims of the Course are to enable learners to:

♦ develop performing skills in solo and/or group settings on two selected instruments or on one instrument and voice

♦ create music using straightforward compositional methods and music concepts

♦ develop understanding of the things that influence composers and their work

♦ develop understanding of music and musical literacy by listening to music and identifying simple music signs, symbols and concepts

♦ identifying areas for improvement in their work, with support and guidance

Recommended Entry

Entry to this Course is at the discretion of the centre.


This Course or its Units may provide progression to:

♦ National 4 Music, other qualifications in Music or related areas

♦ further study, employment and/or training

Career Options

Further Information

Course Content

To achieve the Course, learners must successfully complete the three mandatory Units.

Each of the component Units of the Course is designed to provide progression to the corresponding Unit at National 4.

Units are statements of standards for assessment and not programmes of learning and teaching. They can be delivered in a number of ways.

Music: Performing Skills (National 3) In this Unit, learners, with guidance, will develop performing skills on two selected instruments, or on one selected instrument and voice. They will play level-specific sections of music with sufficient accuracy while maintaining the musical flow. Learners will, with support, reflect on their own performing skills.

Music: Composing Skills (National 3) In this Unit, learners will use their knowledge of music styles and concepts when creating their own music. They will experiment with and use straightforward compositional methods and simple music concepts in imaginative ways. Learners will, with support, reflect on their own creative choices and the creative choices of others.

Understanding Music (National 3) In this Unit, by listening to a range of music and music styles, learners will develop their understanding of level-specific music concepts. They will develop the ability to distinguish between different music styles and sounds, and will be able to identify and recognise simple music signs and symbols used in music notation. Conditions of award

To achieve the National 3 Music Course, learners must pass all of the required Units. The required Units are shown in the Course outline section.

Course Assessment Structure

All Units are internally assessed against the requirements shown in the Unit Specification.

They can be assessed on an individual Unit basis or by using other approaches which combine the assessment for more than one Unit.

They will be assessed on a pass/fail basis within centres. National 3 Courses are not graded.

The assessment of the Units in this Course will be as follows.

Music: Performing Skills (National 3) In this Unit, learners will be required to provide evidence of musical performing skills on their two selected instruments, or instrument and voice. Learners will maintain the musical flow and play, with acceptable accuracy, sections of level-specific music. They will also provide evidence of reflecting, with support, on their performing.

Music: Composing Skills (National 3) In this Unit, learners will be required to provide evidence of a basic understanding of the compositional methods used by others. They will evidence the ability to reflect, with some support, on their creative decisions while using straightforward compositional methods and music concepts to create their own music.

Understanding Music (National 3) In this Unit, learners will be required to provide evidence of their ability to listen to and identify simple level-specific music concepts in music excerpts. They will identify the distinctive features of music styles and demonstrate evidence of their understanding of simple music signs, symbols and terms.