Music - Higher

SCQF Framework

SCQF Level: 6

SCQF Credit Points: 24

Skills Framework

Delivering Centre

Vale of Leven Academy

Purpose and Aims

The course provides candidates with a broad practical experience of performing, creating and understanding music

. It enables them to work independently or in collaboration with others, and can help them to plan and organise, to make decisions, and to take responsibility for their own learning.

The course aims to enable candidates to:

 broaden their knowledge and understanding of music and musical literacy by listening to music and identifying level-specific music concepts, signs and symbols

 create original music using compositional methods

 perform music on two instruments or one instrument and voice

Throughout this course, candidates develop a breadth of knowledge and understanding of music concepts and musical literacy. They learn to recognise and distinguish level-specific music concepts, signs and symbols as they perform, create and listen to music.

The course allows candidates to develop and consolidate practical skills in music and knowledge and understanding of music styles and concepts. It encourages them to self reflect and explore their creative ideas.

Understanding music through listening enables candidates to build on and extend their knowledge and understanding of music and influences on music.

The course provides opportunities for candidates to perform a range of music.

Recommended Entry

Entry to this Course is at the discretion of the centre.

Candidates should have achieved the National 5 Music course or equivalent qualifications and/or experience prior to starting this course


This Course or its Units may provide progression to:

 Advanced Higher, other qualifications in music or related areas,

 further study, employment or training

Career Options

Further Information

Course Content

The Higher Music course has an integrated approach to learning and combines practical learning and understanding of music.

In the course, candidates draw upon their understanding of music styles and concepts as they experiment with these in creative ways when performing and creating music.

The course content includes 3 elements:

  • Performance - Candidates develop their performing skills on two selected instruments, or on one selected instrument and voice through regular practice and self-reflection.

  • Composition - Candidates experiment with and use music concepts in creative ways, within a range of compositional methods, as they compose original music and self-reflect on their creative choices.

  • Understanding music - Through listening, candidates develop knowledge and understanding of a variety of music styles, level-specific concepts, signs and symbols used in music notation.

Course Assessment Structure

The course assessment has four components.

Component 1: question paper, 40 marks - scaled to 35 marks

Component 2: assignment, 30 marks - scaled to 15 marks

Component 3: performance — instrument 1, 30 marks - scaled to 25 marks

Component 4: performance — instrument 2, 30 marks - scaled to 25 marks

Question paper

All candidates draw on skills in aural discrimination and perception, knowledge and understanding of level-specific music concepts, music literacy and analysis of music. These skills are developed throughout the course.


The assignment draws on candidates’ skills, knowledge and understanding of music composition.

The composition must show use of harmony, along with at least three of the following elements of music:

 melody

 rhythm

 timbre

 structure

Candidates show their understanding of these elements of music through the creative and effective development of a range of musical ideas and compositional methods.

They also self-reflect on their own original music and identify areas for improvement.


Candidates demonstrate their performing skills by presenting a prepared 12 minute programme of music.

The following aspects of performance are assessed:

 melodic accuracy and/or intonation

 rhythmic accuracy

 maintaining tempo and flow of the music

 conveying mood and character  instrumental or vocal tone

 dynamics

The programme of music must be designed to allow the candidate to demonstrate a sufficient level of technical and musical skills at the appropriate grade level (Grade 4 or above).