History National 4

SCQF Framework

SCQF Level: 4

SCQF Credit Points: 24

Skills Framework

Delivering Centre

Vale of Leven Academy

Purpose and Aims

The purpose of the Course is to open up the world of the past for learners. History provides learners with insights into their own lives and of the society and the wider world in which they live.

By examining the past, learners can better understand their own communities, their country and the wider world. Through an understanding of the concept of continuity, they can better appreciate change and its significance, both in their own times and in the past.

The learner will acquire breadth and depth in their knowledge and understanding of the past through the study of Scottish, British, European and world contexts in a variety of time periods. Options cover topics from the Medieval, Early Modern and Later Modern periods and include elements of political, social, economic and cultural history. The approach developed and the understanding gained can be applied to other historical settings and issues.

The main aims of the Course are to develop:

  • a conceptual understanding of the past
  • a range of skills including the ability to apply a straightforward historical perspective
  • and comment on historical sources in a range of contexts
  • a straightforward knowledge and understanding of the factors contributing to, and
  • the impact of, historical events
  • the skills of investigating historical events and forming views
  • the skills of explaining historical events, and drawing straightforward conclusions

Recommended Entry

Entry to this Course is at the discretion of the centre. However, learners would normally

be expected to have attained the skills and knowledge required by the following or

equivalent qualifications and/or experience:

 National 3 History Course or relevant component Units


This Course or its Units may provide progression to:

 National 5 History Course or its Units

 further study, employment and/or training

Career Options

Further Information

Course Content

Course structure

This Course develops a range of cognitive skills. It encourages active learning in the

process of developing an understanding of people and society in the past. Learners will

acquire and apply relevant knowledge and learn to apply skills of investigating,

analysing and evaluating sources in order to understand and explain important

historical events and themes.

This Course has four mandatory Units, including the Added Value Unit. Within each

Unit there is a considerable degree of flexibility in contexts and themes which can be

studied to allow personalisation and choice.

Historical Study: Scottish (National 4)

In this Unit, learners will develop techniques to comment on historical sources. Events

and themes of Scottish history may be studied from the Medieval, Early Modern or

Later Modern period. Learners will develop knowledge and understanding of an area of

historical study.

Historical Study: British (National 4)

In this Unit, learners will develop techniques to comment on the impact of a historical

development. Events and themes of British history may be studied from the Medieval,

Early Modern or Later Modern period. Learners will develop knowledge and

understanding of an area of historical study.

Historical Study: European and World (National 4)

In this Unit, learners will develop techniques to comment on the factors contributing

towards a historical development. Events and themes of European and world history

may be studied from the Medieval, Early Modern or Later Modern period. Learners will

develop knowledge and understanding of an area of historical study.

Added Value Unit: History Assignment (National 4)

In this Unit, learners will exercise choice in selecting a topic for personal study drawn

from Scottish, British or European and world contexts. They will research their chosen

topic and communicate their findings. Through this activity, they will have opportunities

to demonstrate greater depth or extension of historical knowledge, understanding and

skills as they draw on and apply the knowledge, understanding and skills acquired in

the other Units of the Course.

Course Assessment Structure

Unit assessment

All Units are internally assessed against the requirements shown in the Unit


They can be assessed on an individual Unit basis or by using other approaches which

combine the assessment for more than one Unit.

They will be assessed on a pass/fail basis within centres. SQA will provide rigorous

external quality assurance, including external verification, to ensure assessment

judgements are consistent and meet national standards.

The assessment of the Units in this Course will be as follows:

Historical Study: Scottish History (National 4)

The learner will be required to provide evidence of:

 ability to comment in a straightforward way on historical sources, taking into

account their origin and content

 descriptions and explanations demonstrating a straightforward factual knowledge

and understanding of themes and events within an area of Scottish history

Historical Study: British History (National 4)

The learner will be required to provide evidence of:

 ability to comment on the impact of a historical development in a straightforward

way and present information in an organised manner

 straightforward descriptions and explanations demonstrating a factual knowledge

and understanding of themes and events within an area of British history

Historical Study: European and World (National 4)

The learner will be required to provide evidence of:

 ability to comment on the factors contributing towards a historical development in a

straightforward way, drawing a straightforward conclusion

 descriptions and explanations demonstrating a straightforward factual knowledge

and understanding of themes and events within an area of European and world


Added Value Unit

National 4, added value will be assessed in an Added Value Unit. The Added Value

Unit will address the key purposes and aims of the Course as defined in the Course

Rationale. It will do this by addressing one or more of breadth, challenge or application.

In the National 4 History Course, the Added Value Unit will focus on:

 challenge

 application

The learner will draw on, extend and apply the skills, knowledge and understanding

they have acquired during the Course. This will be assessed by an assignment

in which learners will be required to extend and apply their knowledge and skills and will

be sufficiently open and flexible to allow for personalisation and choice.