Higher Photography N6

SCQF Framework

SCQF Level: 6

SCQF Credit Points: 24

Skills Framework

Delivering Centre

Vale of Leven Academy

Purpose and Aims

  • The course encourages candidates to be inspired and challenged by visually representing their personal thoughts and ideas through the medium of photography. An integrated approach to learning means candidates plan, develop and produce creative and technically proficient photographs. Candidates develop skills that are valuable for learning, life and work. The course allows them to broaden their skills base and to widen their horizons regarding the range of vocations available to them. The aims of the course are for candidates to:
  • communicate personal thoughts, feelings and ideas using photography
  • develop technical and creative skills through using photographic media, techniques and processes
  • develop knowledge and understanding of a range of photographic practices
  • develop skills in problem solving, critical thinking and reflective practice
  • develop an understanding of the impact of social, cultural, historical, and scientific influences on photographers’ work and practice
  • become critically self-reflective autonomous learners

Recommended Entry

Entry to this course is at the discretion of the centre.

Candidates would normally be expected to have attained the skills, knowledge and understanding required by the following or equivalent qualifications and/or experience:

  • relevant photography units (SCQF level 5 and above)
  • National Progression Award in Photography (SCQF level 5)
  • National 5 Art and Design course or relevant units


  • other qualifications in photography, art and design or related areas
  • further study, employment and/or training

Career Options

Further Information

Course Content

Course content The course has an integrated approach to learning. It combines practical learning activities that are underpinned by knowledge and understanding of photography. Candidates learn how to plan and carry out practical photographic work. They investigate selected photographers’ work and practice and explain how external influences impact on these. They use this understanding of photographers and their work when developing their own personal approaches to photography. They learn and apply a range of image-making techniques. Candidates develop their creative problem-solving skills as they resolve visual and technical problems. They also reflect on and evaluate the effectiveness of their practice and the qualities of their photographic work. Skills, knowledge and understanding Skills, knowledge and understanding for the course The following provides a broad overview of the subject skills, knowledge and understanding developed in the course:

  • applying knowledge and understanding of the properties of light and image formation
  • applying knowledge and understanding of camera controls and a range of photographic techniques and processes
  • investigating and analysing the major historical, scientific, social, and cultural factors influencing photographers and their work
  • producing investigative research for photography, and planning, shooting, printing and developing photographs
  • exploring and experimenting with a range of photographic media, manipulation techniques and processes
  • producing and presenting creative and technically proficient photographs
  • effectively managing and storing photographic images
  • critical self-reflecting and evaluating by candidates of their work and practice, and the photographic work of others

Course Assessment Structure

Course assessment is based on the information provided in this document. The course assessment meets the key purposes and aims of the course by addressing:

  • breadth — drawing on knowledge and skills from across the course
  • challenge — requiring greater depth or extension of knowledge and/or skills
  • application — requiring application of knowledge and/or skills in practical or theoretical contexts as appropriate

This enables candidates to:

  • demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of photographic practice in multiplechoice and extended-response formats in a question paper
  • produce a photography project by applying and extending the skills and knowledge developed in the course

The question paper assesses candidates’ knowledge and understanding of photographic work and practice. The questions are designed to test candidates’ ability to:

  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the properties of light and image formation, camera controls, and image-making techniques and their effects
  • analyse examples of photography

The question paper has a total mark allocation of 30 marks. This is 23% of the overall marks for the course assessment.

The question paper has two sections.

Project 100 marks

The photography project assesses candidates’ ability to integrate and apply their creative and technical skills and their knowledge and understanding of photographic practice. Candidates must plan and carry out a selected photography project. They research and investigate their project topic. Drawing on this material, they develop their own creative response by carrying out practical photographic work. From this development work, candidates select and present a series of 12 images which communicate the project topic. Candidates also evaluate the effectiveness of their photographic work and practice.

The project provides an opportunity for candidates to demonstrate the skills listed in the ‘Skills, knowledge and understanding for the course assessment’ table in this document. The total marks available for each section are as follows:

Section 1 — planning, research and investigation 20 marks

Section 2 — development and production 70 marks

Section 3 — evaluation 10 marks

The project has a total mark allocation of 100 marks. This is 77% of the overall marks for the course assessment.