Applications of Mathematics - N5

SCQF Framework

SCQF Level: 5

SCQF Credit Points: 24

Skills Framework

Delivering Centre

Vale of Leven Academy

Purpose and Aims

Mathematics engages learners of all ages, interests and abilities. Learning mathematics develops logical reasoning, analysis, problem-solving skills, creativity and the ability to think in abstract ways.

It uses a universal language of numbers and symbols, which allows us to communicate ideas in a concise, unambiguous and rigorous way.

The National 5 Applications of Mathematics course explores the applications of mathematical techniques and skills in everyday situations, including financial matters, statistics, and measurement. The skills, knowledge and understanding in the course also support learning in other curriculum areas, such as technology, health and wellbeing, science, and social studies.

The purpose of the National 5 Applications of Mathematics course is to motivate and challenge candidates by enabling them to think through real-life situations involving mathematics and to form a plan of action based on logic.

The mathematical skills within this course are underpinned by numeracy, and designed to develop candidates’ mathematical reasoning skills in areas relevant to learning, life and work.

The course aims to:

  • motivate and challenge candidates by enabling them to select and apply mathematical techniques in a variety of real-life situations
  • develop the ability to analyse real-life problems or situations with some complex features involving mathematics
  • develop confidence in the subject and a positive attitude towards the use of mathematics in real-life situations
  • develop the ability to select, apply, combine and adapt mathematical operational skills to new and unfamiliar situations in life and work to an appropriate degree of accuracy
  • develop the ability to use mathematical reasoning skills to generalise, build arguments, draw logical conclusions, assess risk, and make informed decisions
  • develop the ability to use a range of mathematical skills to analyse, interpret and present a range of information
  • develop the ability to communicate mathematical information in a variety of forms
  • develop the ability to think creatively and in abstract ways

Recommended Entry

Entry to this Course is at the discretion of the centre. However, learners would normally be expected to have attained the skills and knowledge required by the following or equivalent qualifications and/or experience:

  • National 4 Applications of Mathematics or relevant component Units


This Course or its Units may provide progression to:

  • other qualifications in Mathematics or related areas
  • further study, employment or training

Career Options

Further Information

National 5 Applications of Mathematics Course Specification

National 4 Physics BBC Bitesize

Course Content

Throughout this course, candidates acquire and apply operational skills necessary for solving problems, through application-led learning. Through real-life contexts, candidates acquire and apply mathematical operational skills directly relevant to life and work, and learn to appreciate the role of mathematical ideas in the world. Candidates develop mathematical reasoning skills and gain experience in making and justifying decisions and drawing conclusions.

The following provides a broad overview of the subject skills, knowledge and understanding developed in the course:

  • analyse real-life situations and problems involving mathematics
  • identify valid mathematical operational skills to tackle real-life situations or problems
  • select and apply numeracy skills
  • select and apply skills in finance, statistics, measurement, geometry, graphical data and probability
  • use mathematical reasoning skills to draw conclusions or justify decisions
  • communicate mathematical information in an appropriate way

Course Assessment Structure

Course assessment is based on the information provided in this document. The course assessment meets the key purposes and aims of the course by addressing:

  • breadth — drawing on knowledge and skills from across the course
  • challenge — requiring greater depth or extension of knowledge and/or skills
  • application — requiring application of knowledge and/or skills in practical or theoretical contexts as appropriate

This enables candidates to:

  • demonstrate mathematical operational skills
  • analyse and interpret real-life situations and problems involving mathematics in new and unfamiliar situations
  • select and integrate mathematical operational skills from across the course to tackle reallife situations or problems
  • apply a range of mathematical operational skills to an appropriate degree of accuracy with and without the use of a calculator
  • use mathematical reasoning skills to draw conclusions or justify decisions
  • communicate mathematical information appropriately

Component 1: question paper 1 (non-calculator) 45 marks

The purpose of this question paper is to allow candidates to demonstrate the application of mathematical skills, knowledge and understanding from across the course. A calculator cannot be used.

This question paper gives candidates an opportunity to demonstrate an understanding of a range of mathematical skills and to select, apply and combine them to perform calculations. Candidates also have opportunities to demonstrate skills in interpreting and presenting information.

This question paper has 45 marks out of a total of 110 marks. It consists of short-answer and extended-response questions, most of which are in context. Setting, conducting and marking question paper 1 (non-calculator).

This question paper is set and marked by SQA, and conducted in centres under conditions specified for external examinations by SQA. Candidates complete this in 1 hour and 5 minutes.

Component 2: question paper 2 65 marks

The purpose of this question paper is to allow candidates to demonstrate the application of mathematical skills, knowledge and understanding from across the course. A calculator may be used.

This question paper gives candidates an opportunity to interpret and analyse real-life problems or situations, select appropriate strategies, carry out calculations and draw valid conclusions or justify decisions.

This question paper has 65 marks out of a total of 110 marks. It consists of short-answer questions, extended-response questions and case studies, most of which are in context. Setting, conducting and marking question paper 2.

This question paper is set and marked by SQA, and conducted in centres under conditions specified for external examinations by SQA. Candidates complete this in 2 hours (including time to read and absorb case study information). Specimen question papers for National 5 courses are published on SQA’s website. These illustrate the standard, structure and requirements of the question papers candidates sit. The specimen papers also include marking instructions.