Vale of Leven Academy

P7 - S1 Transition 2022

Welcome to our P7 Transition page for parents, carers and students. We are very much looking forward to meeting you all and supporting your move to Vale of Leven Academy next session.


welcome to our school

We hope you enjoy our short film which takes you a tour of our school, visiting a number of S1 classes.

Click on the image to watch the film 'full screen' and don't forget to turn your sound on when you view the video.

TOUR of The School

Please click on the link to view another video of our accommodation. We would ask all P7 students and parents to access the Virtual Tour of Vale of Leven Academy. This will give pupils and parents a look around the school and help pupils to have an idea of the school layout.

support for learning department

The Support for Learning (SFL) department supports all our learners and in particular those with Additional Support Needs. It is our responsibility to ensure that information is made available to all staff regarding the Additional Support Needs of students and to provide appropriate support.

The SFL Team will be here to support you in your learning In August 2022. In the meantime please access the SFL page on the school website by clicking here.


Please click on the link to view a video made by some of our S1 Drama students last session.

Maybe some of the P7 students will recognise some of the faces behind the face masks! These students are now in S2.

transition booklet


It's full of helpful information to make your start at Vale of Leven Academy in August as easy as possible.

Uniform update

Our school uniform gives a sense of school identify and community and has been agreed by and is supported by our parents and carers. At Vale of Leven Academy, we believe there are significant benefits in asking students to wear school uniform. School uniform levels the playing field and reduces any peer pressure to wear expensive, brand fashion clothes which many families could struggle to buy for their children. School uniform is a less expensive option when providing clothes for your child to wear to school. Wearing a school uniform increases pupils’ self-esteem, feeling of belonging and sense of pride in their school. Displaying the school logo and wearing the school tie helps pupils identify with their school.

Details of the uniform can be found on the school website.

Blazers can be ordered directly using the contact details below.



Tel: 01355 244879

Our Parent Council have kindly supported the purchase of school ties for all P7 students so there is no need to buy a tie. Ties will be passed to the primary schools to distribute.

West Dunbartonshire Council offers a clothing grant to assist parents / carers with the purchase of clothing and footwear for school. Further details can be found in the link.

Physical education kit

The learning that takes place in the Physical Education department is far greater than participation in physical activity. With this in mind we require all students to be appropriately dressed at all times for involvement in physical activity.

Students should have a full change of clothes including top, shorts/tracksuit bottoms and footwear. Students will be aware of block changes and are encouraged to check weather forecasts in advance if they are participating in outdoor activities.

If students are injured or unwell they will be excused from physical activity if it is likely to cause them further medical problems. We do however require these students to be changed so that they can participate in a non playing role. This may be to officiate a game, support a performance or take part in aspect of the lesson that is not too physically demanding.

All students should have:

Indoor Kit

Shorts / Tracksuit bottoms

T-shirt – Must cover shoulders and stomach (No vest tops or football colours)

Clean change of footwear

Outdoor Kit

Shorts / Tracksuit bottoms

T-shirt – Must cover shoulders and stomach (No vest tops or football colours)

Hoody / Jumper

Waterproof Jacket



Appropriate footwear (surface dependent)


Period 1 8.50am – 9.40am

Period 2 9.40am – 10.30am

Break 10.30m – 10.45am

Period 3 10.45am – 11.35am

Period 4 11.35am – 12.25pm

Period 5 12.25pm –1.15pm

Lunch 1.15pm – 2.00pm

Registration in Period 6 class: 2.00pm – 2.10pm

Period 6 2.10pm – 3.00pm

Period 7 3.00pm – 3.50pm (Mon and Tue only)

DAy 1 IN AUGUST 2022

The first day of term is Wednesday 17th August 2022.

School starts at 8.50 am.

All students, whether they arrive by school bus or walk to school, will be welcomed by the Senior Leadership Team. S1 students should find their name and registration class on large A3 posters that will be displayed on the windows at the front of the school. All S1 students will be directed to a meeting point in the assembly hall and will assemble in their registration class. S1 students will be escorted to their first period class by senior students where they will receive a copy of their timetable and a map of the school. S1 students will be accompanied to classes by senior students for the remainder of the first week to help students navigate around the school building.

lunch arrangements

Students will be able to benefit from cashless catering. Essentially the system lets you pay for school meals in advance, and pupils pay for their meal using a 4 digit pin code. This speeds up the dinner queues and reduces the need for students to carry cash during the school day. Students will be issued with their unique 4 digit PIN code on the first day in August.

S1 and S2 students have a different lunchtime to S3-S6 students.

Options for lunch include :

· School lunch

· Packed lunch

· Go out for lunch

No students are permitted to leave school during morning interval. Lunchtime lasts for 45 minutes and if students leave the school grounds for lunch they must return promptly after lunch. Our dining area is staffed by members of SLT, if students leave the school there is no teacher supervision.


An activation letter will be given to your child by your primary school in June.

ParentPay offers you the freedom to make payments whenever and wherever you like, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - safe in the knowledge that the technology used is of the highest internet security available.

Making a payment is straightforward and ParentPay holds a payment history for you to view at a later date; no card details are stored in any part of the system. Once you have activated your account you can make online payments straight away.

For further information on ParentPay please visit


Please watch the link from the Parent Council Chair Mary Stern and Treasurer Kirsty Wilson.

The Parent Council meet on a Thursday evening throughout the session. If you would like to join the Parent Council please email You will be made most welcome.

The Parent Council has it's own Facebook page which we would encourage you to follow (VOLA Parents).

Student and family engagement

(S@FE) hub

Our family worker is available to support our families with :

  • Debt issues

  • Financial benefits

  • Saving money on fuel bills

  • Training/adult learning

  • Housing issues

  • Digital skills including job searching, applying for Universal Credit or online grants for Free School Meals, Uniform and Education Maintenance Allowance

There is further information on the S@FE Hub on our school website.

If you require financial advice or employability support please contact S&

contact us

If you have any questions please contact us by email or telephone. The details are at the bottom of this page.

The school website address is

We would also encourage all parents and carers to follow us on social media (Facebook and Twitter).