Our Curriculum

The curriculum in OHR reflects the principles and practice outlined in the guidelines, A Curriculum for Excellence (ACfE), which provides a broad general education for all pupils. We continually strive to ensure our curriculum is relevant, engaging and meaningful for all children, ensuring they are developing skills which can be used throughout life.  

The curriculum is structured into 8 main areas:

Religious and Moral Education Health and Wellbeing

Literacy and English Numeracy and Maths 

Sciences Technologies

Social Studies Expressive Arts 

At Our Holy Redeemer, we know all our children can make a difference in our world, now and in the future.  We are committed to empowering children to become active citizens and to have confidence to know that they can effect positive change in their own lives and in the wider world. LfS includes learning about environmental issues, inequality and injustice and the role we all play in protecting our planet and human rights.  Learning incorporates Rights Respecting, Eco, Fairtrade and Mini Vinnies.