

On a date or dates to be intimated by the Chief Education Officer in January each year, parents must register for education all children who have attained the age of 5 years before the last day of February of the succeeding year. Parents have a right to make a placing request whereby their child(ren) can be educated in a school other than the one that serves their catchment area. Placing request forms can be given on request at the time of registration.

Starting school for the first time or moving to a new school is an exciting experience for both parents and children. It also presents parents with making the choice of which school they feel would best suit their child/children and themselves. Parents are therefore invited to arrange a visit to our school so they may become familiar with the building and the type of education offered, and to discuss any points with the Head Teacher.

New Entrants (that is, children who will be starting Primary 1 in August 2022) are registered week beginning 10th January 2022. You must register your child in your local school by completing the online enrolment form which can be accessed through the Council’s website. However you have the right to apply for a placing request to another school, which you can do when completing the enrolment form online.

Our Lady of Loretto has close links to Dalmuir ELC and other feeder nurseries. We are also very lucky to now have our own ELC within the school. A number of Transition Visits take place from September/October through to June during the pre-school year. All children have opportunities to attend the school to experience school life in a variety of ways from classroom visits and learning experiences to P.E., music, play and lunch.

On some visits your child will be able to spend time in a classroom while parents will be provided with an opportunity to discuss any issues or worries that may have arisen since the enrolment date.

Meetings and workshops will also take place once the children have started school. Parents will then be given the opportunity to become familiar with the type of work their children have begun in the Primary 1 class.

To enrol a child of any age during the term please contact the Head Teacher.