S2 Core

In science you will spend 12 weeks studying each of the discreet science subjects.

S2 Biology: You will discover all about the biodiversity of the world, and why some animals look the way they do. You will then look into how babies are born. Finally you will look more closely into the human body and why your heart beats, what happens when you breathe in and also what happens when you eat!

S2 Chemistry: You will build on knowledge gained from S1 chemistry and look closer into the world of elements and the periodic table. You will focus on making and naming compounds, growing crystals and even get to build batteries using fruit! If that’s not exciting enough you will also get to dig deep and discover what our planet is made of.

S2 Physics: You will become a Cadet at Clydebank High Space School where you will learn all about electricity and how to wire up circuits, how we see and how light and colour works. Finally you will go beyond planet Earth and look in to the mysteries of our solar system and beyond and discover are the answer to the questions everyone wants to know…are we alone?

At the end of S2 you will have the opportunity to choose a discreet science to study in S3. Find out more in the discreet science areas of our website, links are on the home page!