S1 Core

In science you will spend 12 weeks studying each of the discreet science subjects.

S1 Biology: You will learn how you are made by looking into your cells. Looking through the microscope you will discover the world of tiny microscopic creatures that you didn’t even know were there. We all know that plants are important…but do you know how much? S1 Biology will teach you all about photosynthesis and why we couldn’t survive without plants!

S1 Chemistry: You will get the chance to learn all about chemicals, how they react with each other and be introduced to the periodic table of elements. You will learn valuable life skills and be able to cure anyone stung by a wasp (or a bee) with your knowledge of acids and alkalis.

S1 Physics: Will putting a jacket on a snowman make him last longer? S1 Physics will provide you with the answer! You will learn all about heat. You will also be introduced to the world of forces and gravity…why do we float in space? After all that you will learn about renewable energies and even get to use a working wind turbine! You might even build and fire a rocket!

At the end of S1 you will have the opportunity to choose an elective science course. Find out more in the discreet science areas of our website, links are on the home page!