Physical Education

Welcome to the PE department

Keep up to date with what is going on in the PE department by following us on Twitter @CHS_PhysicalEd


Mr R McLaughlin (Curricular Leader)

Mrs K Dunlop

Miss K MacColl

Miss S Boland

Mr E Leahy

Mr J Butler

Mr C Love

Mr C Wallace (NQT)

Here in PE we make it our priority to provide a curriculum that meets the needs of all of our young people in Clydebank High. Let's take a look at our learner pathways.

With pupils about to start their coursing here is a presentation about PE and the future education and career opportunities that it can offer. PE provides candidates with the same SCQF points as any other subject and it provides pupils with desirable skills for lifelong learning. Please take some time to look through the presentation and if you have any further questions please don't hesitate to contact the PE department. 

S3 subject choice assembly.pptx
PE Kit Letter 2023.pdf


Please find attached our kit policy for PE in Clydebank High School. We believe that this policy provides our young people with the best opportunity to fully engage in the PE curriculum and we appreciate the support from parents and guardians in helping us promote this policy. 

PE Kit Letter 2023