Home Economics Nationals

National 5 Hospitality: Practical Cake Craft

Our senior pupils have been very busy designing celebration cakes as part of the Practical Cake Craft course. As well as learning how to make a range of different cake types, the pupils have developed their skills in piping, embossing, covering and stencilling. Please see the finished product, a result of their hard work below:

National 5 Hospitality: Practical Cookery

As part of the introduction to the course our S4 pupils having been learning knife skills by preparing a selection of vegetables which was then turned into soup. The pupils were taught with the help of Chef Gary MacLean who's fantastic video clips helped to support the development of their practical skills. Well done S4, a great start to the course!

Fashion and Textile Technology – National 4/5 and Higher

Are you interested in fashion?

Are you interested in learning how to design and make your own clothes and making other textile items.

Are you interested in learning about properties of textiles?

This course could also help your attainment in art too!!! Many pupils who leave school and study textile technology wish they had done this course!!!

Fashion and Textile Technology – National 4/5 and Higher if you have any questions come to the HE department.

Please find below option choices for pupils choosing subjects commencing S4/5/6. Please read carefully as some of the courses are available at National 3/4/5 or National 5 only, or National 4/5 and Higher.

Hospitality: Practical Cookery

Level - National 3, 4 & 5

Year Group –S4/5/6

Aims of the Course

  • The course aims to develop learners’ life skills and enhance their personal effectiveness in terms of cookery

  • To provide a set of skills for those who wish to progress to further study in the Hospitality industry

  • The course anticipates their future needs in that it enables them to learn how to prepare and cook food for themselves and others

  • It develops their organisational skills which have an application in a variety of contexts

Course Content

There are 4 mandatory units: Cookery Skills, Techniques and Processes, Understanding and Using Ingredients, Organisational Skills for Cooking and

Added Value Unit – Producing A Meal. The course which is practical and experiential in nature, develops a range of cookery skills and food preparation techniques, as well as planning, organisational and time management skills, in Hospitality related contexts. Through its emphasis on safety and hygiene, it will ingrain in learners the ability to follow safe and hygienic practices in all cookery contexts. It also develop thinking skills of remembering, understanding and applying and aspects of numeracy.


Learners will:

  • Use food preparation techniques and cookery processes, with minimal guidance

  • Understand the importance of food safety and hygiene and working safely and hygienically

  • Select, weigh, measure and use appropriate ingredients, to prepare and garnish or decorate dishes

  • Be aware of the importance of responsible sourcing of ingredients

  • Be aware of current dietary advice relating to the use of ingredients

  • Follow recipes in the preparation of dishes and carry out an evaluation of the dish

  • Produce dishes taking into account the number of portions, and presenting them appropriately


A wide range of learning and teaching approaches is used in the department. These include whole class teaching, group activities, paired activities and independent learning.


National 4

All units are internally assessed. They may be assessed on a Unit-by Unit basis or by combined assessment. They will be assessed on a pass/fail basis within the school

National 5

They can be assessed on a Unit-by -Unit basis or by combined assessment. They will be assessed on a pass/fail basis within the school. SQA will provide external quality assurance, including external verification to ensure assessment judgements are consistent and meet national standards

Written Exam – 30 marks


Pupils will be asked to build, enhance their practical skills, organisation and time management skills in their own home. Practise recipes at home to build on confidence to follow recipes with minimal assistance.

How can you help?

Doing the following will help your child to become more skilled in Hospitality:

  • Attendance at Supported Study is essential to build on Knowledge and Understanding of course

  • Encourage your child to build on, practise their cookery skills at home

  • Encourage you child to watch cookery programmes on the television such as MasterChef and Jamie Oliver

Fashion & Textile Technology

Level: National 3/4/5

Year Group: S4/5/6

Aims of the Course

  • To develop practical skills and textile construction techniques to plan and make straightforward fashion/textile items

  • Safe use of tools and equipment

  • Knowledge of textile properties and characteristics

  • Knowledge of a range of factors that influence the fashion/textile choices

  • Basic investigation and evaluative skills

Course Content

The central theme is to develop practical knowledge and skills which support fashion/textile related activities. The course is practical, exploratory and experiential in nature. The are four mandatory units: Textile Technologies, Item Development, Fashion Choices and Practical Activity.


Learners will:

  • Understand textile characteristics and properties including textile technologies

  • Develop practical construction skills

  • Develop manual dexterity

  • Demonstrate appropriate set up and safe use of tools and equipment to produce fashion/textile items

  • Understand factors that affect fashion choice

  • Plan and manufacture fashion/textile items

  • Problem solve in different contexts

  • Evaluate completed products


Effective learning and teaching will draw on a variety of approaches to enrich the experience of learners. In particular, practical approaches to learning and teaching which provide opportunities for personalisation and choice will help to motivate and challenge learners.


National 4

All units are internally assessed. They may be assessed on a Unit-by Unit basis or by combined assessment. They will be assessed on a pass/fail basis within the school. SQA will provide external quality assurance, including external verification to ensure assessment judgements are consistent and meet national standards.

National 5

They can be assessed on a Unit-by -Unit basis or by combined assessment. They will be assessed on a pass/fail basis within the school. SQA will provide external quality assurance, including external verification to ensure assessment judgements are consistent and meet national standards.

Written exam


Pupils will be asked to build, enhance their practical skills in their own home – independent learning. Practise their fashion/textile skills at home to build on confidence to follow a design with minimal assistance. They will be asked to research/investigate/evaluate items.

How can you help?

Doing the following will help your child to become more skilled in Fashion & Textile Technology:

  • Attendance at Supported Study is essential to build on Knowledge and Understanding of course

  • Encourage your child to build on, practise their fabric/textile skills at home e.g. sewing machine, needle work, appliqué

  • Encourage you child to watch fabric/textile programmes on the television

Health & Food Technology

Level: National - 3/4/5

Year Group – S4/5/6

Aims of Course

  • To allow learners to develop knowledge of the relationships between health, nutrition and the functional properties of food

  • To enable learners to make informed food, lifestyle and consumer choices

  • To allow learners to develop the skills to apply their knowledge in practical contexts

  • To allow learners to develop safe and hygienic practices in practical food preparation

  • To develop learners’ organisational and technological skills to contribute to their own and others health and nutritional needs

Course Content

The course includes development of practical and cognitive skills. Practical, experiential learning in relevant contexts is used as the vehicle for development of knowledge, understanding and skills. There are four mandatory units: Food for Health, Food Product Development, Lifestyle and Consumer Choices and an Assignment by introducing integration, challenge and application. Learners will draw on, extend and apply the skills they have learned during the course. The task will be sufficiently open and flexible to allow for personalisation and choice.


Learners will:

  • Gain knowledge of the relationship between health, food, nutrition, lifestyle and consumer choices

  • Develop practical food preparation skills and techniques using appropriate tools and equipment

  • Demonstrate safe and hygienic practices

  • Develop technological skills related to food production

  • Develop skills necessary to plan, prepare and reflect on products and processes

  • Knowledge of practical properties and functions of food

  • Solving problems related to a range of health, food, nutrition, lifestyle and consumer needs

  • Have an understanding of current consumer issues


A wide range of learning and teaching approaches is used in the department. These include whole class teaching, group activities, paired activities and independent learning


National 4

All units are internally assessed. They may be assessed on a Unit-by Unit basis or by combined assessment. They will be assessed on a pass/fail basis within the school. SQA will provide external quality assurance, including external verification to ensure assessment judgements are consistent and meet national standards.

National 5

They can be assessed on a Unit-by -Unit basis or by combined assessment. They will be assessed on a pass/fail basis within the school. SQA will provide external quality assurance, including external verification to ensure assessment judgements are consistent and meet national standards.

The course will be assessed by an assignment and a question paper which will be externally assessed.


The learner will be assessed by an assignment and a question paper. The assignment will require application of skills, knowledge and understanding from across the Units. Learners will develop a product(s) to meet a given brief. The assignment will be sufficiently open and flexible to allow for personalisation and choice.

The question paper will require integration of knowledge and understanding from across the Units. All externally assessed.


Pupils will be asked to revise work they have learned in class. Complete past paper questions. Investigate current issues and research, plan and problem solve issues. Build on practical cookery skills.

How can you help?

Doing the following will help your child to become more skilled in Health & Food Technology:

  • Ensure that your child is regularly completing and submitting homework for marking

  • Encourage you child to take responsibility for their own learning

  • Discuss progress with your child in this subject

  • Build on practical cookery skills

Practical Cake Craft

Level: National 5 (only level available)

Year Group: S5/6 only

The course aims to enable learners to:

  • Develop cake-baking and cake-finishing skills and creativity in cake finishing

  • Understand and follow current food safety and hygiene practices

  • Become familiar with traditional methods of, and current trends in cake


  • Acquire and use organisational skills in the context of managing time and


  • Develop an understanding of the health impact of different ingredients used in cake production

The Course is practical and experiential, and its use of real-life hospitality contexts makes it relevant to the world of work.

Course Content & Skills

The candidate will:

Prepare for baking activities by:

  • Selecting recipes and planning the stages of baking

  • Selecting ingredients and weighing and measuring them accurately

  • Selecting and correctly preparing suitable equipment

  • Following safe and hygienic working practices

Bake a range of cakes and other chosen items by:

  • Following recipe methods to achieve the correct consistency when incorporating the ingredients.

  • Depositing the mixture appropriately, controlling the oven temperature and

baking correctly.

  • Carrying out readiness tests

  • Cooling, storing and evaluating the baked items

  • Following safe and hygienic working practices

They will also learn a range of cake finishing techniques such as:








Course Assessment

Candidates will be given a brief in which they have to design, prepare and make a cake for a special occasion of their choice. This practical activity has three stages.

Stage 1 Designing

Stage 2 Implementing

Stage 3 Evaluating

A Written exam – 25 marks

How can you help?

Doing the following will help your child to become more skilled in Practical Cake Craft.

  • Ensure that your child is regularly completing and submitting homework for marking.

  • Encourage your child to take responsibility for their own learning

  • Discuss progress with your child in this subject

  • Build on practical cake craft skills at home