Home Economics BGE

Please see details below of S1 personalisation Home Economics (from the move between S1 into S2/3). This will support S1 pupils when selecting subjects for the next two years.

Hospitality and Food Technology

3 Periods per week

Topics covered:

· Nutrition

· Current Dietary Advice

· Kitchen Technology

· Design and Make a Biscuit

Develop your practical cookery skills and Knowledge and Understanding of subject in relation to Health, Diet and Food Product development. A range of cookery processes and techniques covered throughout the year to build on your practical cookery ability, time management, personal and kitchen hygiene and organisational skills in relation to topics covered.

Passion for Fashion

3 periods per week (cross-curricular subject with Art)

Design in Art, Make in Home Economics. A cross-curricular subject where pupils transfer their skills in the 2 subjects. A fun, and creative practical subject.

· To develop practical skills and textile construction techniques to plan and make straightforward fashion/textile items

· Safe use of tools and equipment

· Knowledge of textile properties and characteristics

· Knowledge of a range of factors that influence the fashion/textile choices

· Basic investigation and evaluative skills