Computing Science 


S1 Computing Science

Pupils will visit the Computing department 1 period a week and study the following topics:

S2 Computing Science

Pupils will visit the Computing department 2 period a week and study the following topics:

At the end of S2 learners will make choices for subjects they wish to take at National Qualification level. 

S3 Computing Science

Pupils will visit the Computing department 3 period a week and study the following topics:

S3 Games Design (Level 4)

Pupils will visit the Computing department 3 period a week and study the following topics:

S2 Scratch Programming

Arran S2

Created a basic snake game.  The user controls the snake using the arrow keys to collect the apples.

The player wins by collecting all 8 apples.

Cooper S2

The shark is very hungry and needs to eat!  The player must collect the fish before the timer runs out.