Vision Values and Aims

Our school vision for Learning, Teaching and Assessment

“High-quality and engaging learning experiences, driven by pupil voice, which nurture ambitious mind sets for all”

Our new vision, values & aims 2024-25

Throughout term 4 of school session 2023-24, we consulted all learners, teaching & school staff, parents/carers and partners when creating our new School Vision, Values & Aims.  From the consultation process, we will launch our new Vision, Values & Aims in August 2024:

Clydemuir Primary School:

Where Fairness is Flourishing, Kindness is Key & Respect Rules.

Our new Values driving this Vision forward are:

Fairness, Kindness, Respect, Resilience & Diversity

Please see below our Vision, Values & Aim paper for session 2024-25...

Vision, Values and Aims Aug 24.docx.pdf