My name is Mrs. Bokey (formerly Ms. Odgers) and I will be your child's STEAM teacher this year! This is my 8th year teaching in the Ocean Township School District. I love sharing my passion for Technology and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) with my Kindergarten through 6th-grade students! I am also the 6th-grade Broadcast advisor. I help the 6th-grade students create our weekly "Mariner Meeting" and edit the clips for each episode.

In STEAM, students will visit my Makerspace one day per week for 40 minutes. Students are encouraged to be innovative, think outside the box, and use different technology devices to create! Some of the materials we use in class include Dash robots, iPads, and a 3D printer! 

I'm looking forward to another great year at the OTSD! 

You can contact me via your child's Class Dojo or email me, here:

fun facts about me: