Literary Criticism

Introduction to Literary Theory
Liberal Humanism
Freudian Pyschoanalytic Criticism
Lacanian Psychoanalytic criticism
Feminist Criticism
Marxist Criticism

Postcolonial criticism

Sian Evans Into the Woods: Finding your way through literary theory

Chapter 6 - Postcolonial Criticism - pdf

Chapter 6 - Postcolonial Criticism - audiofile

Lois Tyson Critical Theory Today: A User-Friendly Guide

Chapter 12 - Postcolonial Criticism - pdf

Chaper 12 - Postcolonial Criticism - audiofile

Charles E. Bressler Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice

Chapter 10 - Postcolonialism.

Steven J. Venturino The Complete Idiot's Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism

Chapter 21 - Postcolonial criticism flaunts the fashions.

Queer Theory

Sian Evans Into the Woods: Finding your way through literary theory

Chapter 4 - Queer Theory.

Lois Tyson Critical Theory Today: A User-Friendly Guide

Chapter 10 - Lesbian, Gay & Queer Criticism.

Charles E. Bressler Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice

Chapter 12 - Queer Theory - Gay & Lesbian Criticism.

Steven J. Venturino The Complete Idiot's Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism

Chapter 13 - Gender and Queer theories read desire.


Sian Evans Into the Woods: Finding your way through literary theory

Chapter 2 - Ecocriticism or Ecological Theory.

Charles E. Bressler Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice

Chapter 13 - Ecocriticism.

Steven J. Venturino The Complete Idiot's Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism

Chapter 22 - Ecocriticism offers a word from our sponsor.