ATN 2020

Learning site

Welcome to the class site for 7 & 8 ATN, 2020. My name is Alison Tennant and I am the Homeroom Teacher of 7 & 8 ATN. I am looking forward to another exciting year of teaching and learning.

Within this site you will find access to learning resources and activities for key areas of learning, useful links, and important resources that we will use throughout the year. If you are away, you can check in to our areas of learning (Reading, Writing and Maths) for activities or lessons you can work on with links to Hapara to find current work. You can also go to your google drive to carry on with any other work that has been set. Parents - please check in on these pages regularly so you can see what is happening in the classroom.

If you need to contact me, my email is:

Weekly Planner

Tm 4 weekly planner
Tm 3 weekly planner
Term 2 weekly planner

2020 Term 2 Timetable

ATN Timetable - Term 1 2020
Week 8 - Term 1
Week 7 - Term 1 2020
Week 6- Term 1
Week 5 /Term 1 2020
Week 4 - Term 1
Week 3 /Term 1 2020
Weekly plan - Week 2 /Term 1 2020
Planning slide