
This term we will be focusing on Kaitiakitanga for our inquiry topic. You will have the opportunity to choose an environmental issue or another issue/problem you are passionate to research.

Week 4 - Researching

This week we are going to start researching our topics. Before we do that we need to make sure you have written our questions and got them onto our note taking document. You will need to make 1 copy of this document per group. Everyone must have it saved into their inquiry folder. I will explain how we will use this document.

Week 2 - Choosing your research focus and open ended questions

This week you will be choose your research topics and learning how to write open ended research questions. Click here to make a copy of the research question document. You will need 1 copy per group and it must be filed in your inquiry folder.

Week 1 - Introduction into Kaitiakitanga

Working in small groups (2 or 3 people) use the resource below to learn about Kaitiakitanga. Think about the following questions - What is Kaitiakitanga? What does Kaitiakitanga mean to you? Why is Kaitiakitanga important?

Each bird will take you to a different resource. Record notes in your literacy books while you work through the resources. Once you have gathered your information work together to write a response to the questions that you will record as a group on Flipgrid (just use one chromebook per group). Make sure you answer the questions in detail. You will have up to 1 and a half minutes for your recording.

Kaitiakitanga introduction