
Having your say!

Lots of people feel a bit nervous when they stand up and speak before a crowd. Maybe your future does not include being the Prime Minister or a great public speaker, but it is very likely you will have to make a speech at a friend's or family member's 21st, wedding or at another hui. It is good to have tool kit of speech techniques to help you through this. Our speech unit aims to give you some skills and confidence to be able to speak up when it is important to you.

Hapara Workspace - L1 Speeches 10T ENG 2022


All the work for this unit is in the Hapara Workspace L1 Speeches. If you are unable to access Workspace, here are the tasks and resources, in order:

Learning Goal

Develop and structure ideas in an oral text, using oral language features appropriate to audience and purpose.

Learning Tasks

  1. What Makes a Good Speech? Watching effective speakers in action can teach us a lot. In this task you watch some TED Talks, choose one and reflect on what makes it effective.

  2. Review Speech Techniques. In this task you read about some Language Techniques for Speeches, make notes on the key points, and then see how many techniques you can spot being used in a TED Talk.

  3. Ask the Right Questions. It's time to come up with ideas for your own speech. This task steps you through brainstorming ideas and then coming up with the right questions to help you find out more about your topic, looking at the difference between open and closed questions.

  4. Research Your Topic. Once you have identified the most important questions you need to answer about your topic, this table will help you organise the information and show where it came from. These are important research skills you will use in many subjects, such as science, social studies, history, and others.

  5. Write Your Speech. Once you have put together some good information on your topic, you are ready to write your speech and tell us what you think! You will find some useful tips for speeches here also. When you are editing and checking your speech, make sure you include personal judgements and opinions about your topic. If your speech is just a list of facts, it will not meet the criteria. You need to give your own viewpoints on what you have found out about your topic.

Presenting your speech

When you have made your cue cards and practised your speech, you will be ready to present. "Who me?" you ask. "Yes, you!" your teacher says! There are different ways you can present:

  • in front of your class

  • to a small group of friends

  • just in front of the teacher

  • record it at home on your phone and send me the file (please film it landscape, not portrait).

  • record it privately on your Chromebook (e.g. using Screencastify) and share the file with me

How is my Speech assessed?

Here are the assessment criteria for Y10 Speeches.

Here are the assessment criteria for NCEA L1 Speeches.

NZQA Exemplars - L1 Speeches

90857-Student1-Low Excellence.mp4

Low Excellence

90857-Student2-High Merit.mp4

High Merit

90857-Student3-Low Merit.mp4

Low Merit

90857-Student4-High Achieved.mp4

High Achieved

90857-Student5-Low Achieved.mp4

Low Achieved