
partnership, participation and protection 

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He Mihi

Kororia ki a Ihoa o ngā mano, Te timatanga me te whakaotinga o ngā mea katoa.

Ki te hunga kua mene atu ki te pō, haere, haere, haere atu rā.

Ki a tātou ngā waihotanga o rātou mā, kia ora rawa atu tātou katoa.

Ko au a Herewini Katene e mihi ana ki a tātou

Tēna rā tātou katoa. 

Taku Reo Mihi - Kia Kaha

Yearly Overview

Te Kura o Otaki - Mahere-a-Tau 2024
Mahere a Wāhanga 3 2024
Daily Planner Term 3 - Week 1


Please practice as much as possible in your own time.