
Term 3 Week 4

Read: The Longest Walk by Rebekah White (SJ L3 May 2020)

WALT: Find the main ideas in the text using skim and scan.

To Do: Comprehension Task

Word of the Day Task

Term 3 Week 3

Read: Ghost Walk p27 by Renata Hopkins (SJ L3 May 2020)

WALT: Find the main ideas in the text using skim and scan.

To Do: Comprehension Task

Word of the Day Task

Term 3 Week 2

Term 3 Week 1

Pukekos - Term 1

Week 6

WALT: Find the main ideas in the text using skim and scan.


  1. Read the text independently.

  2. Read the text again with your teacher.

  3. Complete the Reading Activity Task

  4. Fast finishers - Choose a Literacy card to complete.