Memory Page

Jack Bobbett Memorial

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His ability to inspire and lead...

habit 2

In pre-K I remember him giving me a ring of a cupcake because it was someone’s birthday, and then I gave him a kiss. I remember going home and telling my whole family about it. Something I will never forget.<3 - Izabelle F

Jack was always the kid who made you laugh as soon as you walked into the class. I remember one day we were doing writing, and the task was to right an amusing/funny poem and then the class together would vote on whose was the best. Jack wrote a poem of complete nonsense and yet he still had the entire class (including the teacher) falling out of their seats laughing. It was safe to say that Jack had won before anyone else even had their turn. - Lilly A

In first grade I had a birthday party and Jack was invited. Everyone else that was invited came the day of the party, while Jack came the day after. When Jack and his family got to my house I wasn't home, I was at my grandparents house and my dad had to come and pick me up. When I got home I saw Jack and his whole family standing in the driveway talking to my mom. Jack and I went inside and I asked him why he didn't come the day before, he told me it was because he was scared everyone was going to make him say the "nerd word." We ate leftover pizza from the day before and I gave Jack a pack of Sour Patch Kid gum, like everyone else had gotten. We went outside to go on the swings and Jack ate and swallowed the entire pack of gum. We climbed on top of the outdoor playhouse that I had. When we were ready to get off the playhouse because it was getting dark, I jumped off like I always did and so Jack wanted to try to jump off too. When Jack jumped off he slipped off the top before he jumped and fell off the playhouse. Since it was dark we went back inside and had dessert, which was ice cream and then we laid on the living room floor and watched a movie until his dad came back to pick him up. - LA

Jack was a classmate and friend of mine in 6th grade. To me, I've always thought that he was very funny, and he always provided entertainment towards the class and grade. Aside from all the genius jokes he gave out, he was very kind. He would always give me compliments of my art and the art I gave him, and the stories I made that he was interested in. He was not kind just toward me, but to everyone. I will never forget the admirable and affectionate friend who was always there to make me happy. - Emma P-L

On days we didn’t go outside for recess in third grade, instead of playing games or doing puzzles, Jack and I would sit at the back table for all of recess together. We both had a notebook and a pencil and we would sit and write stories or mini books during recess. I’ll always remember the little things <3 - Lauren A.

My favorite memory of jack is when he was “dating” my best friend and he kept telling me she was too much to handle and was always asking me for advice. -Tori B