October 26 - 27, 2023

The 2023 Fall Conference Program

Park & Wilber Halls, SUNY Oswego

Many of the presenters at the conference have made their presentation slides or other resources available.

You can find those documents here.  

Here was the 2023 program.

 Wi-Fi Access 

Step 1: To access the Oswego-Guest wireless network, visitors will need to open the settings on their electronic devices and select the "Oswego-Guest" option. 

Step 2: The next prompt will bring the guest to the “Visitor Wireless Access” Log In Screen. Visitors will need to select “Visitor Access”.

Step 3: Visitors will then need to enter information in the highlighted fields (first name, last name, email address, cell phone number). 

Step 4: Visitors should then select the appropriate reason for visit. Conference guests can select “meeting or other”. 

Step 5: Visitors will need to agree to the terms and conditions and click “Register”. 

Visitors should now be connected to the Oswego-Guest wireless network. Connection will only be active for 24 hours and will need to be reactivated every 24 hours.

Commercial Exhibitors