
Registration is a Two-Step Process

Space is limited, so register early!

CEUs are available if you complete both steps before the conference begins.

Step 1

Starting now- pay and register for the conference on

Click here to purchase your ticket.

Step 2

One week before the conference begins click below and go to OSUFST to pick and signup for classes to save your seat.

CEUs are available if you complete both steps before the conference begins.

Click here after you purchase your ticket and save your seat.

How to claim your continuing education hours and print your certificates!

Class registration link G25.docx

We do not send certificates, you must access yours in your account.

You must pay for registration before selecting classes for this conference.  Log on to to pay your registration.

After you have paid your registration fee on you may reserve your seat one week before the conference at

You will need to reserve your seat for all classes for this conference.

Space is limited in each class.

If you do not preregister for each class you will not be able to receive CEUs after the conference.