We're here to provide support

We have groups around the country that provide peer support for ostomates, that is those with a colostomy, ileostomy, or urostomy, or associated procedures, and their families, and for people facing the prospect of this surgery. See Local Support

We are fortunate in New Zealand to have Stoma Nurses who provide the medical support required before surgery, and subsequently as patients get used to life with a bag. They are the first point of contact for support and follow-up, and for any related medical concerns. When you're lined up for an ostomy they will get in touch with you.

If you would like to meet or chat with someone who's had an ostomy, the nurses can put you in contact with an ostomate, usually through the local support group, or you can contact the support group yourself. The groups support and complement the work of these nurses.

We have a booklet, Living With Your Ostomy, that can help you understand the procedures and how to subsequently get on with things.



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© David Barnes 2009Keywords: colostomy ileostomy urostomy ostomy stoma nurse stomal therapist bag pouch appliance wafer irrigation support parastomal hernia