What are we celebrating this month?

In addition to the month-long observances listed below, there are also some pretty important (and/or funny) weekly and daily celebrations each month, too. Check these websites for more details:


September includes National Hispanic Heritage Month – September 15 to October 15. Here are some fun ways to celebrate at home:


October is National Book Month

October is Dyslexia Awareness Month


aos Pueblo 1935-36By Helmut Naumer, Sr.

November is National Novel Writing Month! NaNoWriMo's Young Writers Program offers tools, resources, and community access to help young writers and educators set ambitious creative goals and tackle projects year-round!


December is National Read A New Book Month

and the 10th is Dewey Decimal System Day - yay!


In January we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday and his contributions to our democracy

January is Financial Wellness Month




April is Poetry Month

And Earth Day is April 22! (Click the pic!)


May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

A great Teaching Tolerance article

27 Books to Celebrate - Scholastic

Official Website

May is National Inventors Month

May is Jewish American Heritage Month


June is National Oceans Month

June is Pride Month

July & August = Summer Reading

Summer Reading- COMING SOON!