This frequently asked questions (FAQ) guidance is being provided based on the public health situation as we understand it today. Changes to the public health situation over the course of the year may necessitate changes to this guidance.

FAQs from Dual Language- NEW

Will dual language students receive instruction in both English and Spanish in the hybrid model?

Yes, students will receive 50% instruction in Spanish and 50% instruction in English, during in-person days, as well as at-home days via live and asynchronous activities.

Will dual language students in the 100% virtual model be combined with non-dual language students?

There will be at least one 100% virtual dual language class per grade (Pre-K to 5), led by a bilingual teacher who will provide instruction in both English and Spanish. Dual language students will not be combined with non-dual language students.

Is the district accepting new students into the Pre-K dual language program?

Yes, new students will enter Pre-K dual language this year via the lottery process. Parents will receive notification from Park School via mail.

FAQs from Board of Education Meeting- NEW

Please click here to view FAQs submitted for our Board of Education meetings.

FAQs from Department of Health- NEW

Please click here to view FAQs issued by the Westchester County Department of Health.

Students with Special Needs- NEW

What happens in situations where social distancing may be difficult?

Students with special needs or students who are medically fragile may not be able to maintain social distancing, hand or respiratory hygiene, or wear a face covering or mask. As a district, we are requiring face masks and ask that parents begin to practice wearing a face mask in preparation for school. It is important for parents/ guardians to work with their child’s healthcare providers so that an informed decision can be made on how best to meet the child’s needs at school while protecting their health and safety.

Alternate plans created in consultation with school health personnel on how to meet the needs of a child while keeping social distancing may include:

• Additional PPE for staff caring for such students

• Assigning only one staff member to care for the student

OHS Lockers- NEW

Will students use lockers at OHS?

It will be an opt-in model. Students can sign up if they would like a locker.

Notification of Decision

When will a decision be made regarding reopening of school?

The Ossining School District’s plan will be submitted to the state on July 31st. We expect to hear from the Governor in early August regarding his decision on whether or not schools can reopen.


Will drivers take the kids' temperature at the bus stop?

No, the student's temperature must be taken prior to the student arriving at the bus stop. Driver's will not have the ability to check temperatures at the bus stop.

Will all the students be required to wear masks?

Yes all students and drivers will be required to wear masks.

How many students will be on a bus?

This is hard to say right now. We are reducing the capacity of the buses to only two students per seat. This is a reduction of 1/3 of the capacity for the bus. We are anticipating that buses will not see that many students on a bus as many parents have decided not to have their child ride the bus at this time.

Will children of the same household ride the same bus to school?

Only if those students are going to the same school.

How will the buses be cleaned and disinfected?

Buses will be cleaned and disinfected at the end of their morning run and again at the end of their afternoon run. Drivers will wipe down the high contact areas between their assigned schools.

Will there be hand sanitizer on the bus?

No, hand sanitizer is not allowed on the bus due to its high alcohol content.

Health & Safety

What kind of sanitizer will be provided by the school? I saw an optout form, if one opts out would they be required to wash hands when sanitizer is provided to the class? NEW

Each classroom will have a bottle of 65% alcohol hand sanitizer sold by 'Enviro-Chem', the product is called 'Pure-San'. We also have hand sanitizer provided by NY State that we will be using. Yes, if a student opts-out of using hand sanitizer, they will wash their hands with soap and water instead.

How will recess look if kids are required to wear masks? I’m concerned with kids running around with masks becoming overheated, fainting, etc. NEW

Students will be allowed to take their mask off during recess as long as they can maintain 6 foot social distancing.

Will there be water breaks? With masks on it will be difficult to drink water. I think this is important especially in warm months. NEW

Yes, there will be water and mask breaks during the day.

Will the school plan on updating their opening plan as numbers of cases continue to drop in our area i.e. removing the mask mandate, with 6’ desk distance? NEW

Yes, we will continually update our plan as we receive new guidance from the NYSDOH, WCDOH, and NYSED.

What should I do if my child uses a Nebulizer for Asthma? NEW

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the CDC recommends using a Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI) with a spacer instead of a nebulizer for asthma treatments at school if possible.

We are asking families to speak with their health care provider about using a MDI with a spacer instead of a nebulizer for asthma treatments. All medications require a completed medication authorization form. If your health care provider determines nebulizer treatments are necessary, please contact your building School Nurse to develop a safety plan.

What is the CDC Guidance for extended use and reuse of N95 masks?

See: https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/hcwcontrols/recommendedguidanceextuse.html

Per the CDC, to reduce the chances of decreased protection caused by a loss of respirator functionality, respiratory protection program managers should consult with the respirator manufacturer regarding the maximum number of donnings or uses they recommend for the N95 respirator model(s) used in that facility. If no manufacturer guidance is available, preliminary data(19, 20) suggests limiting the number of reuses to no more than five uses per device to ensure an adequate safety margin.

What are the physical exam requirements for the 2020-2021 school year? NEW

New York State requires physical exams for all new entrants, and students entering Grades Pre-K or K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 & 11 in September 2020. Physical exams must be dated 9/3/19 or after to be valid for the 2020 - 2021 school year.

What immunizations are required for the 2020-2021 school year? NEW

Click here for the current New York State Immunization Requirements for School Attendance.

Are there any immunization exemptions due to COVID-19? NEW

No. At this time, the NYSDOH is not issuing exemptions for immunizations because of COVID-19. The Department's stance continues to be that students missing vaccine doses for any reason must comply with Public Health Law Section 2164 requirements. Children entering or attending school in New York State, including summer school and distance learning, must comply with said requirements.

Will student temperatures be checked daily at school?

Yes, all students will have their temperature checked daily upon entry to the School Buildings. Parents are also advised to check students' temperature and observe for signs/symptoms of illness daily at home. All persons are required to stay home for fever (Temperature > 100 degrees F), signs of illness, or any Yes response on the District screening questionnaire/tool.

What should parents do for children who are medically vulnerable/high-risk?

Students/families that self-identify as high risk for illness due to COVID19 are advised to follow-up with their Healthcare Provider and obtain medical documentation. Documentation should include all necessary accommodations. Medical documentation/request for accommodations should be given to the Building School Nurse or District Nurse Coordinator.

Will the District supply face coverings/masks for students and staff?

Staff and Students/families are encouraged to bring masks from home. The District will provide employees and students with face coverings/masks at no cost if needed.

What are the CDC recommendations for Face Masks?

Please visit: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/cloth-face-cover-guidance.html

Please note: Per the CDC, masks with exhalation valves or vents should NOT be worn to help prevent the person wearing the mask from spreading COVID-19 to others.

Can I opt my child out of using hand sanitizer?

Yes. The opt-out form is located on the District Reopening website here.


How does the student athlete Fall PE exemption work?

Each year in the Fall student athletes return to school and attend PE class. The PE teacher will inform the student athlete that they have received confirmation from the athletic department that they are participating on a varsity team and must return to PE at the conclusion of the season. This year's Fall start date is September 21st so students need to attend PE class until their PE teacher excuses them for participating on a varsity team.

Do we need to wear a mask in Physical Education class if we are outside? NEW

Students do not need to wear masks if they are outside. Student's may choose to wear a mask, if they wish. All indoor Physical Education classes students must wear a mask. Mask breaks will be taken throughout the period, with social distancing.

Is there any plan for sports at this time? NEW

Our NYS association pushed the Fall starting time back to September 21 for all Fall sports. No school can start prior to that date. The Governor will make the decision if sports will be allowed to take place in each season. He is making an announcement for school reopening on August 7th, and we are hopeful we will get some indication at that time about Fall sports. The state association is working on different tentative plans if Fall is cancelled, however, subject to change.


How is information being shared regarding our plans for reopening?

Below please find a list of the District’s communication efforts.

  • The District has been updating the Reopening Web site each week with new information.

  • Facebook Live sessions have been conducted every Monday at 5 p.m. with Superintendent Sanchez.

  • Reopening has been discussed at each Board meeting throughout the summer months.

  • Weekly O-Blasts have been sent to all families.

What is the role of the Reopening Parent Committee?

Our reopening parent committee met with Superintendent Sanchez to review options and provided their insights and feedback.


Can you clarify if/how attendance actually impacts our funding?

The New York State Education Department has responded as follows: "State Aid formulas use multiple attendance counts in the calculation of aid apportionments for school districts. Statewide over 70 percent, largely in Foundation Aid, is based on Average Daily Membership or district enrollment, which is a measure of student registration in the district and does not take attendance into account. These aid formulas should not be impacted by attendance rates. Some formulas use Average Daily Attendance in the calculation of reimbursement rates, and Education Law §3602(1)(d)(2) provides for the commissioner to exclude from that calculation “days on which school attendance was adversely affected because of an epidemic...”. NYSED plans to advance a proposed COVID-specific change to such regulations in September for consideration by the Board of Regents."

As a result, if less students are registered or enrolled in school then we could see a decrease in the amount of Foundation Aid that is provided because the formula takes into account total enrollment. However there may not be a reduction if there are a significant amount of absences if NYSED is able to propose COVID-specific changes to state aid formulas that use average daily attendance.


What were the results of the Regional Reentry Survey?

Our district participated in a regional thought exchange with various other districts regarding reentry thoughts for our Fall 2020 schools. Please view the purpose here and the final results here.