Virtual Alumni Week

Virtual Alumni Week was, O-wesome!!!

Thank you to our various alumni presenters, educator hosts, and current student participators

Can't wait to see you next year!

What was "Alumni Week 2021" all about?

We had over 40 alumni present in open, virtually "meets". Alumni (solo or in pairs) were teamed with a current OHS educator who hosted the session. Alumni presented about college, life beyond OHS, and their path to a career.

Enjoy this HYPE video!

How did the alumni feel about OHS?

Throughout the week of "meets", our alumni kept sharing how much OHS and their entire Ossining schooling has helped shape who they have become.

Hear some of the good times and shout-outs to past & present OHS educators in this THANK YOU video!

What advice did the alumni give?

There were many themes discussed by our various alumni including how to navigate high school, applying to and selecting the right college, how to gain experience in your desired field, what skills they use in their current jobs, as well as tips, tricks, and habits for future success.

Enjoy this TIPS video designed for current and future OHS students!

Who presented? Can I see what they said?

Most of the sessions were recorded!

While you might have seen a snip of each alumni presenter in the above highlight videos, each of our alumni had such unique stories and insights!

We have compiled all the edited videos into one youtube playlist. Open the video to the right to open the playlist to see all 22 recorded sessions.

Enjoy these FULL SESSION videos!

Want to contact an alumni presenter?

All of our alumni presenters are happy to talk to current OHS students about their life after OHS, college experience, or journey within their career path. Reach out via email to start making connections. See the list of presenters, job title, and email addresses on the spreadsheet below!

Email List