Student-Driven Curriculum Club

Instagram: @SDCCOHS

Hello all! I am the advisor of SDCC at OHS. :)

Join the Student Driven Curriculum Club to make positive change at OHS! Members contribute to the evolving curriculum by revising current courses offered at OHS and proposing new courses to reflect our student body. Our goal is create an ever-evolving curriculum that is inclusive, equitable, culturally responsive, relevant, and reflects the interests of the OHS student body!

Join our google classroom here: 2ql3lcz


Current SDCC Work:

Proposing 3 NEW elective courses in October 2021:

  1. Social Action (English and Social Studies Elective)

  2. Fashion 1 & Fashion 2 (Art Electives: two, half year courses)

  3. Asian & Pacific Islander Studies (Social Studies Elective)

2021-2022 GOALS:

  1. Build all 3 new courses to offer in the 2022-2023 school year.

  2. Build an LGBTQ+ social studies unit (possibly a course as well).

  3. Market our courses to the OHS students.

  4. Collaborate with student group clubs at OHS.

  5. Recruit new members of all ages at OHS.