Family and Consumer Science-8 (FACS)- Where academics merge with real life!

UNIT 1: Self Interest & Career Exploration

Essential Question: How can career exploration and setting career goals lead to the realization of my dreams for the future?

Guiding Questions:

What kind of lifestyle do I see myself leading in the future?

What characteristics, skills and interests do I have that are transferable to a potential career?

What level of education and/or training do I need to be successful in later life?

How can I develop skills to help find and maintain meaningful work?

What careers will exist in the 21st century?

How do I highlight my skills for a potential employer?

UNIT 2: Financial Management

Essential Question: How does the careful management of finances lead to financial independence?

Guiding Questions:

What is financial literacy?

How do the decisions I make now affect the lifestyle I will have later?

How can I make wise financial decisions?

Why do I need to choose between needs and wants?

How can individual choices I make impact my ability to provide for a family.

How does access to credit affect my opportunities in life?

How do i protect my financial identity?

What is a budget?

What should I do with my money?

NYS Family & Consumer Science Standards:

Standard 3 - Resource Management: students will understand and be able to manage their personal and community resources.

NYS Career Development and Occupational Studies Learning Standards:

Standard 1: Career Development